OK, I promised some tips and then forgot about it.
dummyyzz99 in this thread
https://forum.reallusion.com/479990/Alembic-Cloth-Physics-test-in-Iclone?PageIndex=1 reminded me
:)Feel free to add, or correct me if I am wrong.
* Thoroughly inspect your animation before exporting out of iClone. Make sure hands do NOT penetrate body at any point in time.
If simulated mesh gets caught between hands and a body, it would likely be ripped or behave abnormally.
* Even if there is no penetration occur, but hand are getting in contact with simulated garment, abnormal deformation might still occur,
specially if character has long nails. Fingers act like a razor when getting in contact with mesh. For this I came up with an idea to make special gloves.
They look like pot holders and should smooth down the contact with mesh.
Note: they would not help, if body penetration occur (see my first point).
Gloves are available for free at my store (there are 2 types - with and without fingers deformation).
Apply them to your character before exporting for MD simulation (hands mesh would be hidden), use smooth sculpting brush in CC to flatten sharp corners, spikes.
For a while I was willing to experiment with rigid objects simulation in MD.
Since MD is mainly intended for cloth design and simulations, setting up hardware simulations is almost impossible.
Everything is stretched and bent to some degree depending on material settings, mesh density...etc. If I miss something, I am willing to listen.
I mainly wanted to see if I can simulate collars/necklaces. Setting that up in iClone is a real pain.
So I pulled my old project, brushed it a little bit (to CC3+ standards) and tried to simulate this very old collar with heart (I think it's from IC5).
First, any hardware you try to simulated must be a solid object otherwise pieces would fly apart as soon as sim is started (weld collar in Blender)
Next, or well, is to find optimal material settings to at least bring stretching to minimum. This is the best I could come up with:

The rigid collar is actually got transformed into a necklace. Heart stayed more or less rigid, but collar ring became a flexible lace, which stretches and acts like a spring.

I did simulate camisole and necklace simultaneously. There was a little problem exporting alembic out of MD.
Apparently you can only export alembic as a whole. So there was no way to separate camisole and necklace simulations.
So again, I had to take alembic file to Blender, recreate materials (luckily UVs were intact), extract OBJ and import it to iClone, so that I can apply combined alembic file.
Simulation came out fairly well, except at the end the lace kind of jammed.
I almost fell of the chair during simulation when the heart fell through the camisole at her back and then came right out...
Had to setup another camera and mirror billboard just to show that
So this is it...