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FAQ: Why some of installed packs are not shown on the Smart Gallery

Posted By Miranda (RL) 5 Years Ago
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FAQ: Why some of installed packs are not shown on the Smart Gallery

Miranda (RL)
Miranda (RL)
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Group: Administrators
Last Active: 3 Years Ago
Posts: 1.8K, Visits: 11.2K
Upon first launch of the Smart Gallery in iClone or Character Creator, the system will automatically synchronize the installed content packs in your local PC with Smart Gallery.  Which means, if you have downloaded a content pack in your local PC before, the installation status of this content pack should be shown as Installed.

75% of original size (was 674x19) - Click to enlarge

Under some conditions, the Not Installed warning may appear in the Smart Gallery even it's actually downloaded and applicable in the Content Manager.
  1. The path or name of the content packs have been manually changed from the default.
    For example, if you moved the content pack from path A to path B in your local PC, Smart Gallery will see this content pack as Not Installed. 
    Note: Smart Gallery will be able to detect the installed content with custom path or name in the future, so you can choose to keep your current arrangement for now. 

  2. Some *legacy content packs which were installed during Jan. 15th to Feb. 21st, 2020.
    This is a side effect of our updated back-end server to optimize the Smart Gallery system.
    If you found that there are some duplicate content assets in different folders of the Content Manager after initiating Smart Galley, you can manually delete the extra content items.
    Here is a tool to assist you to find all redundant content. (DOWNLOAD)
    75% of original size (was 674x19) - Click to enlarge

    *Redundant content assets are mostly found with duplicate folders like Motion > Motion, Prop > Prop, Avatar > Avatar folder.
    *The legacy content packs include, but not limited to the following:
    1. Stage-Magician
    2. Total Materials Vol 1: General Texture
    3. IC - WW2 -> B219_US Army Infantry.iAvatar
    4. Battleground: Fort and Village
    5. Combat Motions & Interactive Guns
    6. Fundamentals Training Resource
    7. Special Effects Vol.2 Natural Phenomenon
    8. HDRi Fundamentals 25
    9. Terms of Endearment Vol. 2: Lovers
    10. G5 CloneCloth for Chuck
    11. G5 CloneCloth for Gwynn
    12. Total Materials Vol. 16: Architectural Showroom
    13. Total Materials Vol.6: Clean Texture
  3. The installed content pack has been updated by the author after the time of download.
    It happens when a content pack in your local PC is not consistent to its current state in the cloud.  Smart Gallery detects the inconsistencies within the packs; So it will download the newly added item(s) when you double-click to install. The installation speed is likely to be very fast, because it only prompts to download the newly added items instead of the entire pack. 
    Note: The ability to push update notifications will be a new feature within Smart Gallery and will be made available in an upcoming patch.

  4. Content assets with incorrect filenames.
    There are very few cases of content items given invalid filenames, e.g. some content in the Iray Material 600+ pack.  The installation speed is likely to be very fast when you double-click to install, because there are only a few content items with invalid filenames.
If there are any uninstalled content packs that don't meet the conditions mentioned above, please leave a comment in this thread or submit a ticket to the Feedback Tracker. 

Thank you!

Reallusion Team

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