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Crazytalk Animator 3

Posted By csdraw19 4 Years Ago
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Hi, I was just wondering where I could find information on the pricing for Crazytalk Animator 3. An online source stated it was $179.00, but I'm needing to find out if this is the official price, and if it is a Flat Rate or a Monthly Payment.

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 4 Years Ago
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CrazyTalk Animator has had a name change for the latest version and is now called Cartoon Animator 4. You can find pricing information on the page below. The price you pay is a one off payment. It is not a subscription service.

However if you are specifically looking for CrazyTalk Animator 3 and you are a Mac user, then take a look at the thread below where you can download the Pro version for FREE.


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4 Years Ago by Peter (RL)
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hi peter, i have been trying to change the colour on my actor in animator 3, and i saw the tutorial on how to do it, but it doesnt explain properly. it said to select all the parts you want to change. but i tried to do shift select but that didnt work. i also tried ctrl. no good either. I am using photo shop elements. the tutorial tells me to rasterize before the actor can be saved. but i have no idea how to rasterize. it doesnt appear to be anywhere on my version of photo shop. can you explain to me how to do this please. thankyou very much. regards vicki
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Hi Vicki

The best method to use will vary depending on the version of CrazyTalk Animator 3 you have and also which generation of character.

So please let us know if you have the Standard, Pro or Pipeline version of CTA3 and also if it is a G3, G2 or G1 character you are trying to recolour.

If you can also let us know which tutorial you are following that will help too. Thanks.


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hi peter, im using the pipeline version of animator3 and the actor is g3 human. elastic front facing female. the tutorial " is changing g3 color style in photoshop".
 I cant select and move around parts of the actor like they show on the tutorial. and when i try to select all the folders, i cant seem to do it. ive tried shift that didnt work and ive tried ctrl but that doesnt work. then the tutorial tells me to rasterize... that is know where to be found. can you tell me how to make this happen please? I hope ive explained this to you properly. thankyou so much for getting back to me so quickly. i know the time difference is different here in australia. thankyou once more. regards vicki
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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Hi Vicki

Although you shouldn't need to move parts around if you just want to recolour, you can do so in Photoshop Elements by unchecking "Auto Select Layer" in Tool Options (see below).

You should also be able to select several layers at once by clicking the top layer and then hold shift and click the bottom layer. Please see the image below which shows this for the different hand sprites.

For the "rasterize" question, you won't really have to do this as Photoshop Elements works differently from Photoshop CC. In Elements you will be better to use Enhance > Adjust Color from the Menu Bar and make changes that way (Hue, Replace Color etc.).

Then when you have made the colour changes you need, you can just select File > Save (not Save As) and this will automatically update the changes to CTA3.


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thankyou so very much peter for your help.  all is good. have a lovely day, best regards vicki

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