Hi, Marveman14. I'm working on the problems now and have been able to match the CC 3.1 look very closely (it's easy—will post pictures and instructions soon). The default stage setup in 3.2 uses 3 colored spotlights and that is one of the reason things look so shiny. Besides being more of a hassle to set up, Unity (non-baked) spotlights also will not account for indirect light shadowing...I might try it anyway, but I doubt the results will be as good.
Marveman14 (11/19/2019)I am a little bit confused i spent hours of creating my customized character and need to customize it in Unity again.
It gets worse if Daz is part of your pipeline. After I reproduced the CC3 lighting inside Unity, I found that most of the materials actually did not need adjustment. Anythng highly reflective required adjustment: I increased smoothness for metals, eyes, teeth and tongue. Normal map strength needed to be increased for some clothing items. This kind of thing does not bother me because I am taking on much bigger problems (with enough success to sustain confidence).
This is the hair shader I use. There is a separate version for HDRP if you are using that. I will have to update instructions for using it too, I suppose...I can almost guarantee you'll be puzzled and frustrated if you have to figure it out on your own (as I did), but it's the only one I get results close to CC3 with. The hair shader problem is essentially the double-sded shader problem—the problem being we don't have one...so we get this...

You can't see the back-side of the sleeve...can't see the back-sde of hair, etc. The free double-sided shader assets are non-PBR. You might try them...for some things they are ok, but I found them to be lacking. Unity's Black Friday Sale starts Monday so I may try out some more assets if the prices are right.
CC3 & Daz Tricks | CC3 to Unity workflow