I tried to bring the Carnegie Mellon mocap library into iClone but I faceplanted hard. Here is the workflow I was expecting;
1/ Import the c3d mocap data into Blender.
2/ Export as
BVH data.
3/ Import to 3DX-7.
4/ (Re-target) then export as a custom iMotion.
But when I get to step 3, 3DX just freezes up. The c3d files are pretty detailed and captured @120-fps. It that just too much for iClone to handle, or is my system just too puny?
Source link;
http://mocap.cs.cmu.edu/search.php?subjectnumber=%&motion=%Note: I tried reducing the data in Blender using Simplify Curves. The file size for the
BVH was only 6.5Mb @24-fps but 3DX still freezes on import.