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Whats new in CC3 for average hobby users?

Posted By swordflasher 7 Years Ago
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Whats new in CC3 for average hobby users?

Posted 7 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
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Hi, I'm really enjoying Character Creator 2. I am considering pre-ordering the new Character Creator 3 before the end of the month to take advantage of a discount . However I am a hobby user, not a professional, so I don't see anything in the advertising that I understand the need for or that tempts me to upgrade. Is there anything in the new version in terms of new functions or content that would be useful to an average user like me that will improve my ability to make new and unusual characters, such as new content - head and body morphs, sliders, cc cloth bases, substances etc., or is CC 3 more geared towards game designers moving files and characters between programs or who want improved game character functionality?  Thanks in advance for any advice.

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