I to was confused as to what to expect from Faceware as its expensive .i will copy paste below the best responce i got to my questions from freerange . Maybe they should call it Lipware as it seems the viseme is what its all about. You still have to do all the expressions manually in facepuppet. Problem is people who post there work are just posting the raw viseme layer and not finishing the animation with a manual pass over with the facepuppet tool , so it looks bad and not natural.
thedirector1974 is correct we can do every thing Faceware does with the facepuppet and lipsync options already inside Iclone. Faceware is a big time saver when it comes to viseme which is useful for large productions i assume.
freerange (11/6/2017)
In professional usage face capture is never used raw in the end product, it always goes through cleanup and animation. Without the curve editor getting a solid facial performance in iClone will be super challenging. The viseme system needs a lot of work, or you have to do one of the crazy workarounds that use Crazytalk and a speech to text engine to get something close to accurate. Face puppet on it's own always looks procedural so unless you are adding a lot of keying work on it, it just does not look natural.
No silver bullet, just time savers, and face ware is a big time saver.[/quote]