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Posted By charly Rama 7 Years Ago
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charly Rama
charly Rama
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Hi everybody, after one day spent with faceware plugin, I'm really satisfied. Many things can be done better but I'm still learning (sorry, I did a bad manipulation and the topic was created 2 times; sorry :-)


7 Years Ago by charlesramaroson
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I really hoped to see some footage to show me how convincing this faceware plugin is, but sorry, Idon't see it. Guys. This plugin costs almost 1k and I know some of you have it already. Where are the videos, to show me the superior quality I would expect for such a high price???

Posted 7 Years Ago
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This was cool, I like it!
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Where are the videos, to show me the superior quality I would expect for such a high price???

Ich antworte wieder in deutsch.
Da wirst du wohl lange warten, weil du einen bestimmten professionellen Anspruch hast, etwas ganz bestimmtes sehen willst. Am besten holst du dir die 30 Tage-Version und probierst es selber aus wo und wie das Plugin dich unterstützen kann. Wenn einer wie du alles Schritt für Schritt entwickelt, dann kann es sein, das er das Plugnin nicht braucht. Dann wäre es nur nützlich, wenn du damit Zeit sparst. Für einen professionellen Einsatz ist der Preis nicht hoch, für den sogenannten normal Verbraucher sicher. Es kommt eben auf dein Bugett für das Projekt an.
Der Vorteil ist, das du jetzt nicht nur die Stimmen deiner Darsteller, sondern auch die Gesichts-Mimik gleichzeitg mit übertragen kannst.

Hans Jörgen

Fehler gehören zum Leben.
Was zählt, ist, wie man auf Fehler reagiert
Niki Giovanni

7 Years Ago by hj
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thedirector1974 (12/5/2017)
I really hoped to see some footage to show me how convincing this faceware plugin is, but sorry, Idon't see it. Guys. This plugin costs almost 1k and I know some of you have it already. Where are the videos, to show me the superior quality I would expect for such a high price???


I’ve only used it a few times. What I noticed is that there isn’t a whole lot of cheeck movement which would be great. If you watch Pixar films when the lips move so do the checks. There is tongue movement and that helps. The thing I’ve noticed so far is that it did capture some subtle eye animation that I wouldn’t have been able to animate myself using keys. It’s a scene where a boy is in the phone with a girl that won’t stop talking. He’s getting bored/frustrated and his eyes get bigger as she speaks on and on kinda like “get on with it already girl.” I couldn’t have animated that. Very subtle but I think it added a bit to the film.

For me FW meant speed. I do a bunch of 48hr film festivals and I never have time to properly animate faces given my timeframe. You can do a really quick first pass and get some decent facial animation in minutes rather than hours of keying. That’s the value for me. I’ll keep working with it and see if I can get better/more expressive results. It also has to do with the person doing the acting. You have to facially act out the part not just read the lines.its FW and that’s a premium product so I’m thinking there is much much more we can be doing with it once we really get under the surface. Just my 2 cents.

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charly Rama
charly Rama
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when I look at other software on the net that cost much more expensive, I tell myself that there is indeed a difference in quality but I hope that with time and updates, this plug in will improved. Yes, it's expensive but this software saves us a lot of time


Posted 7 Years Ago
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I think it’s capabile of a lot more, but we haven’t found the right way to use it yet. IMHO. Gotta keep tinkering!

My "NEWEST" LatestSmile  Movie Made With Amaaaazing iClone

—> High Noon”ish” in Narrow Valley<—

Posted 7 Years Ago
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I don't understand why everyone who shows some FW results gets beaten up...Unsure 

I've said before it's a learning process, and frankly it's nobody's business how those who've bought FW spend their money. It would probably be much better to animate with pencil and paper than do all this 3D stuff and cheaper too.

Posted 7 Years Ago
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I think it’s just because most of us that have shown videos using FW don’t have results way above and beyond what you can now do with the new facial keys system. Not so much a knock on what we spend our money on, but more an expectation that such highly touted softaware wokld produce better results.

But agreed, it’s a learning process which we’re in the infant stages with really. I expect the time people spend with it, the better results we’ll start to see once we find out what works and what doesn’t. I know I fought with lips a ton on it!

My "NEWEST" LatestSmile  Movie Made With Amaaaazing iClone

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animagic (12/8/2017)
I don't understand why everyone who shows some FW results gets beaten up...Unsure 

I've said before it's a learning process, and frankly it's nobody's business how those who've bought FW spend their money. It would probably be much better to animate with pencil and paper than do all this 3D stuff and cheaper too.

Did I do that?
It's not about the money or some jealousy about people who use FW in iClone. Is it wrong to expect some results from such a high priced software I couldn't achieve with key frame animation? I don't think so. There are some people here who use FW since it came out and there are only a view videos which show us results created with FW. And those results weren't bad at all, that's not what I meant. But I didn't see anything in those videos I couldn't do with key frame animation and face puppet. That's all ...


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