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Minimum Weight Paint Requirements For CC Cloth

Posted By Lord Ashes 8 Years Ago
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Minimum Weight Paint Requirements For CC Cloth

Lord Ashes
Lord Ashes
Posted 8 Years Ago
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I have successfully created a number of clothing items using the Blender Work Flow.
However, there are some items that I am having troubles importing and the common factor seems to be my weight painting because if I weight paint it differently I get different import results.
For example, I have created a cape. Yes, I realize the for a cape I could just make it a soft cloth accessory or prop but the point here is identifying what the minimum requirements are.
Starting with one extreme, if I make the contribution from all of the bones 0 (which is typically what a cape would have assuming your collision detection is good) then CC tries to associated the mesh with the CC EYE and tells me that it is an incompatible mesh. Not sure why it is making any associations but OK.
So, I add a little 100% bone association to the Upper Arms where the cape wraps around the shoulders. Now trying to import the FBX into CC causes CC to get to 21% and then crash (Windows generic crash dialog only).
When I added a tiny amount (around 20%) association to the root, spine1, spine2 and hip bone then CC gives me a cryptic [CC] Skin Error instead.
However, if use the same mesh and Transfer Weights from CC Body, the import works fine (except that the results are not proper for a cape because the bottom of the cape splits like pants).
This tells me that there is no problem with the mesh, it all seems to be related to the weight paint.

So can we get some more specific minimal requirements for CC Cloth weight painting? For example, is there some bone that must have some association?

"We often compare ourselves to the U.S. and often they come out the best, but they only have the right to bear arms while we have the right to bare breasts"
Bowser and Blue, Busting The Breast
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Starting with one extreme, if I make the contribution from all of the bones 0 (which is typically what a cape would have assuming your collision detection is good) then CC tries to associated the mesh with the CC EYE and tells me that it is an incompatible mesh. Not sure why it is making any associations but OK.

...(assuming you collision detection is good)
WIP... In time RL will fix this.
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but0fc0ursee (7/23/2017)
Starting with one extreme, if I make the contribution from all of the bones 0 (which is typically what a cape would have assuming your collision detection is good) then CC tries to associated the mesh with the CC EYE and tells me that it is an incompatible mesh. Not sure why it is making any associations but OK.

...(assuming you collision detection is good)
WIP... In time RL will fix this.
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What sort of an answer is that, Sw00000p?
Do you even own iClone 7 and Character Creator 2? If you did you would know that there are capes available for the products, and Lord Ashes is asking an honest question that can be answered by an RL staff member, or one of the Content creators here on the Forum.

If you don't have something constructive to add to a topic then be a good boy and leave it alone.


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Lord Ashes,
It's a weight "Assignment" issue that needs refinement from RL.
Lord Ashes
Lord Ashes
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but0fc0ursee (7/23/2017)
Lord Ashes,
It's a weight "Assignment" issue that needs refinement from RL.

Yes, hence my question of: So can we get some more specific minimal requirements for CC Cloth weight painting? For example, is there some bone that must have some association?
The cape what only an example of the latest item that I was working on that ran into the issue. But I came across the same issue with other content too (such as long dresses, labcoats, etc). This is why I am asking not for advice on making capes but on advice on what a content's Weight Paint must include in order to be properly recognized and accepted by CC.

"We often compare ourselves to the U.S. and often they come out the best, but they only have the right to bear arms while we have the right to bare breasts"
Bowser and Blue, Busting The Breast
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Lord Ashes (7/24/2017)
[quote][b]...This is why I am asking .... advice on what a content's Weight Paint must include in order to be properly recognized and accepted by CC.

To properly be recognized.... you need to assign to another bone... I get it,
but you hear nothing from RL... indicates what?

Perhaps the feedback tracker.
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Lord Ashes (7/24/2017)
...This is why I am asking .... advice on what a content's Weight Paint must include in order to be properly recognized and accepted by CC.

To properly be recognized.... you need to assign to another bone... I get it,
but you hear nothing from RL... indicates what?

Perhaps the feedback tracker or open a Support ticket would suffice.

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Yes, hence my question of: So can we get some more specific minimal requirements for CC Cloth weight painting? For example, is there some bone that must have some association?
The cape what only an example of the latest item that I was working on that ran into the issue. But I came across the same issue with other content too (such as long dresses, labcoats, etc). This is why I am asking not for advice on making capes but on advice on what a content's Weight Paint must include in order to be properly recognized and accepted by CC. 

I use Maya and check all Bones  after copy weight  how it bend . I see where is a Bone skinned  , it has white color .
If not correct  bending in this area , I smooth it and use the Hammer tool 
The Wire mode is on,  to see how do relax the mesh during the painting .
I can't believe that RL can your a proper answer in this case , because it depends from Mesh and it is always a manual task by user.

liebe Grüße vidi

Lord Ashes
Lord Ashes
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vidi (7/24/2017)I can't believe that RL can your a proper answer in this case , because it depends from Mesh and it is always a manual task by user.

I understand what you are saying but I disagree. Normally weight paint just identifies how the mesh bends based on the various bones of the armature. As such, for example, if I weight paint the mesh completely 0% contribution then this should be a completely valid mesh weight paint, it just means the mesh will be purely static with no contribution from the bones. It would be a pointless weight paint (why make it cloth if it will be rigid) but it should still be a valid weight paint. As far as I understand, no combination of weight paint should be invalid. If you weight paint the mesh wrong then it will not act as you expect but in all cases it should be accepted. This is obviously not the case when it comes to CC. For example, a completely empty (0% contribution for all bones) weight map seems to confuse CC because it does not know what the weight map is for (i.e. CC tries to apply it to the CC Eyes and gets a non-matching mesh). This leads me to believe that there are some minimal set of weight paint rules that CC expects in order to be able to process a mesh with weight paint.

From my experience...

Case 1: A totally empty weight paint (0% contribution from all bones) seems to generate a non-matching mesh error because it tries to apply the mesh to CC Eyes. Note that there is nothing wrong with the actual mesh because, if weight painted differently, the mesh works fine.
Case 2: A 100% contribution from the Upper Arms crashed my CC at about 21% import.
Case 3: A 100% contribution from the Upper Arms and very light (20%) contribution from Root, Spine 01, Spine 02 and Hips gives me a [CC] Skin Error.
Case 4: Transfer weights from CC Body (and possibly some weight paint editing to that) results in an proper import.

So the question is: What is it that CC expects to get Case 4 and not Case1, Case 2 or Case 3?

"We often compare ourselves to the U.S. and often they come out the best, but they only have the right to bear arms while we have the right to bare breasts"
Bowser and Blue, Busting The Breast
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Starting with one extreme, if I make the contribution from all of the bones 0 (which is typically what a cape would have assuming your collision detection is good) then CC tries to associated the mesh with the CC EYE and tells me that it is an incompatible mesh. Not sure why it is making any associations but OK.

Correct my understanding here please....
Skin weight values MUST add up to (1).

When a mesh is skinned using (1) bone... by default (100%) weight value is given to that bone.
"If you only have (1) bone to work with." You can NOT give that bone a lower value!

If the "Same" mesh was weighted to (2) bones....
You can give (1) bone a zero value...
The program will automatically assign the other bone a (100%) weight value.
Skin weight values MUST = (1)... "Period!"
Lowering the value is asking for trouble.... the program has to guess.
I must not understand your question.:(

Lord Ashes how many (skin) bones does your cape have?


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