This is, I believe, an underestimated subject and an issue to me, but as usual I think it is interesting to discuss this here before a Tracker Request is filled.
It is a 'best practice' kind of subject, not a technical issue per say, but I think CC2.0 should provide a V-Pose instead of a T-Pose as the default pose and the exported pose (fbx/obj), or at least propose the choice between the two kind of poses.
A V-Pose is like a T-Pose except the arms are oriented down by ~45°, the leg are oriented slightly apart (not parallel) and the fingers are not glued one to each other but also form a 'V' in-between each one (and each finger is not straight but slightly curved). There is another Pose called the 'Relaxed Pose', think about a character riding an invisible bike but we do not need to go that far in CC.
V-Pose, for modeling, is considered since a long time as a better practice than T-Pose (for modeling) by most professionals modelers I know. So why CC would not propose the better practice as a default ? Especially to iCloners developers who want to create custom bodies, clothes and accessories ? The V-Pose is far better for modeling, is more "natural" especially at shoulders areas and is a mandatory pose for Gloves modeling albeit a T-Pose can have finger oriented apart too but this is not the case with the CC2.0 default T-Pose, yet the default hand morphology is incorrect, fingers are parallel to each others and separated by almost the same amount of space which is in reality impossible, but that's another issue.
T-Pose should be considered as a 'technical' pose required by some tools and game engines doing auto-binding/skinning. V-Pose should be considered as an 'artistic' pose when it comes to modeling the actual character or accessories including clothes, and even to create custom morphs.
As CC2.0 allows us to export and re-import obj/fbx so we can create our own clothes, hairs, gloves, accessories, etc.. I suggest that CC2.0 offers at least the choice to export those obj/fbx with a V-Pose instead of the T-Pose, if not the V-Pose by default.
This would be artistically more convenient for modeling/sculpting purposes.
"N.O.E." (Nations Of Earth) Sci-Fi TV Show, Showrunner.