MOTION EDITINGnow we will go into animation- here's our starting point - avatar standing in the cabin -
the way i envision the scene, the captain is sitting on his chair reading or writing on his journal.
He hears a knock on the door and stands up
some action items we need to do
1) captain look like he's breathing while sitting down
2) cabin is moving as if the ship was moving on the ocean
3) When the captain stand up, his chair gets pushed back a little
here a video of what it looks like FASTEN THE PROPS DOWN1) looking at item 2 above, this means everything in the room should move along with the cabin - so to do this, click on each prop and link them to the floor of the cabin (easy way). Don't forget to link the avatar to the floor
2) After linking, go to the TIMELINE below the workstage and go to FRAME 0, click on the FLOOR prop, then ROTATE the floor slightly, repeat at about 1/4 the lenght of the timeline but rotate in different or opporiste direction as key frame 0, repeat for timeline positions around the 1/2, 3/4 and end of timeline
3) click PLAY in the animation controls and your cabin should be swaying to and fro
First some basics- for editing motions, i typically use the EDIT MOTION LAYER which you can get by selecting AVATAR - ANIMATION - then clicking on the MOTION LAYER button on he left MODIFY section. I also use the ANIMATION TIMELINE as described previously
1) Making sure the avatar is breathing - first things first, the DEFAULT idle motion of iClone is the AVATAR standing up, arms to the side and breathing. It is much easier to modify this than animate a character breathing. So what we'll so is use this motion as our starting point, add a motion layer to position him sitting down, then animate the transition from sitting down to standing up
Start at KeyFrame 0 and follow the instructions below
Remember what i said about keyframes? It locks your avatar's position down in that specific time. So in the above procedure we added a keyframe at around the 400 mark. Why? Because we want iClone to remember the Avatar's pose at this point which is basically the character in a standing position. The idea is we will also set a keyframe where the avatar's sitting down pose ends and he starts to slowly stand up. But more on that later
2) Now we have a breathing avatar, now we need to make him sit -Go to the ANIMATION TIMELINE by clicking on the SHOW TIMELINE button below the workstage - click on FRAME 0
Follow the instructions in the picture