Thanks for the supportive comments folks - i was going to write a lot more today but a heat wave hit the bay area (northern california) and it was just too hot in my room/office to do any work - so i only have a short section today
We are going to create the cabin scene along with some character animation. I did find a ship cabin that i will use for the movie but for the sake of this tutorial, i'll walk through making one
USING 3D BLOCKSwell i am not a proficient modeller, and am too lazy to learn other software, Sketchup for example, so i decided that I'll make use of the 3D BLOCKS that come standard with iCLONE. Think of it as LEGO blocks - position it, combine it with other objects and soon you'll have a set
Using 3D BLOCKs is most effective when paired with the right texture and lighting. So we'll talk a bit about textures and a couple of good habits to adopt
AnimaTechnica Good Habit #1: Texture harvesting - everytime you run into a texture, save it. At times when i see a nice floor pattern in the mall, or nice clouds in the sky, i take a picture for future use as textures
AnimaTechnica Good Habit #2: Create a folder of textures you've harvested - label them appropriately - tiles, floors, windows, doors, fabrics, metals etc..
Let's talk about iClone material controls - let's just focus on 3 things most commonly used in this scene

for our cabin we will use primarily the DIFFUSE map and the BUMP map
Think of the DIFFUSE map as essentially a decal or sticker you would apply to an object - the higher the resolution of this map, the better looking the texture but the bigger the file size.
The BUMP map simulates a 3D effect on your object - for example even if your object is flat, with a bump map it will look like it has bumps, dips etc..IMPORTANT - bump maps are most visible with the right lighting - too bright a light washes them out and you won't see the effect
OPACITY - simple concept anything black will become transparent, greay semi-transparent and white -opaque - you can use this to etch out shapes, holes in an object but note this is only good for medium shots, for close ups, it does not look good
one thing to note, if you load a gray scale image into the bump map, the lighter colors become bumps and darker colors are the dips
TILING - this refers to how many times you want the DIFFUSE map to be repeated. You can repeat the DIFFUSE map Horizontally or vertically
OK we've enough of the basics to do some damage