Why iClone don't have a better shader effect as MMD(MikuMikuDance) does?
First of all, I love iClone. But we all know there's a big problem about it. The bad rendering result.
Ok, we know it's a sacrifice for realtime animation. But! MMD (MikuMikuDance) has a great solution for keeping realtime and A Much Better Render Result Than iClone!
MMD has a lot of nice shader effects. You drag one onto your model, then the ugly pale figure gets a nice skin and shadow.
Check out this picture:
I'm no kidding, it's a pure MMD's job, and it's realtime.
Here is a collection for some shader effects' preview:
Following are some videoes of today's MMD:
A nice music video with the same shader effect above:
http://youtu.be/D5S3WrrsPJwFemale face:
http://vimeo.com/75385019A very nice shader effect:
http://youtu.be/UjJNxUMCz4AA music video which represent most MMD videoes look like today:
http://youtu.be/bvPlLpH15UwAll above are pure MMD's work. They don't bake textures, just use those shader effects. And also no AfterEffect involves.
With these shaders and a big scene, MMD still can render fast, even faster than iClone.(But I think iClone is fast enough)
Following is the best shader effect in MMD today, it's free and open source (can be open as text), so everyone can check it out:
http://bowlroll.net/up/dl14878I really wanna have these effects in iClone. I know iClone has some toon shaders. But let's face it, the results are just not good enough. And what's "enough"? At least, the result can be accepted by audiences.
For now, the rendering result of iClone is too bad that no matter what we do, audiences just don't care.
And if I use iClone as a storyboard tool, producers/investors may think it's too bad and cut project's buget, no one want to take that risk. So I'm stuck with DAZ now, which is a pain.
I'm really looking forward someday iClone can have a better rendering result! I'll pay a lot for it, from my buget of DAZ.
Somebody asks me to offer a test model and a comparison. So here they are:
This is a comparison with or without shader effect in MMD:
Left: witout shader VS Right: with a shader

I just add a shader to the right one, no more ajustment.
So you can see how shader effect works.
And this is how it looks in iClone with a stardard 3 lights set:

This is how it looks in DAZ with draft rendering setting:

As you can see, the one with a shader in MMD is almost close to DAZ's rendering result. And MMD is in realtime.
And you can download the iAvatar file here for a test: