Why iClone don't have a better shader effect as MMD(MikuMikuDance) does?

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By butaixianran - 10 Years Ago
Why iClone don't have a better shader effect as MMD(MikuMikuDance) does?

First of all, I love iClone. But we all know there's a big problem about it. The bad rendering result.

Ok, we know it's a sacrifice for realtime animation. But! MMD (MikuMikuDance) has a great solution for keeping realtime and A Much Better Render Result Than iClone!

MMD has a lot of nice shader effects. You drag one onto your model, then the ugly pale figure gets a nice skin and shadow.

Check out this picture:

I'm no kidding, it's a pure MMD's job, and it's realtime.

Here is a collection for some shader effects' preview:

Following are some videoes of today's MMD:

A nice music video with the same shader effect above:

Female face:

A very nice shader effect:

A music video which represent most MMD videoes look like today:

All above are pure MMD's work. They don't bake textures, just use those shader effects. And also no AfterEffect involves.
With these shaders and a big scene, MMD still can render fast, even faster than iClone.(But I think iClone is fast enough)

Following is the best shader effect in MMD today, it's free and open source (can be open as text), so everyone can check it out:
preview: http://lohas.nicoseiga.jp/thumb/2925983i?

download: http://bowlroll.net/up/dl14878

I really wanna have these effects in iClone. I know iClone has some toon shaders. But let's face it, the results are just not good enough. And what's "enough"? At least, the result can be accepted by audiences.

For now, the rendering result of iClone is too bad that no matter what we do, audiences just don't care.
And if I use iClone as a storyboard tool, producers/investors may think it's too bad and cut project's buget, no one want to take that risk. So I'm stuck with DAZ now, which is a pain.

I'm really looking forward someday iClone can have a better rendering result! I'll pay a lot for it, from my buget of DAZ.

Somebody asks me to offer a test model and a comparison. So here they are:

This is a comparison with or without shader effect in MMD:
Left: witout shader VS Right: with a shader

I just add a shader to the right one, no more ajustment.
So you can see how shader effect works.

And this is how it looks in iClone with a stardard 3 lights set:

This is how it looks in DAZ with draft rendering setting:

As you can see, the one with a shader in MMD is almost close to DAZ's rendering result. And MMD is in realtime.

And you can download the iAvatar file here for a test:

By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
normally i would debate swoop, but this is one thread that he can pass w00t
By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
but on the same hand, to keep things balanced ☯

Reallusion could always hold a crowd funding campaign...

which would in turn be good publicity as well Cool

great idea swoop!

if these guys https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1412277313/this-is-war-an-lfg-musical-short?ref=category can make $118,000 over their goal target, reallusion would clean up!

consider that the average upgrade price is at around 150 ( i know..less..but for arguments sake ) - 1,000 iclone users could pay for an advanced upgrade that has perks, such as exclusive content, for purchasing through the kick starter program ....anything above that is new people that didn't know about iclone! so with proper planning, reallusion already hit the $150k mark. Now just announce something revolutionary to 3D and put on a show for the icing on the cake! w00t
By wendyluvscatz - 10 Years Ago
oooh lets all mass debate SW00000p Tongue

on topic, I do not know enought about MMD to comment but are those in fact proceedural shaders or baked textures specific to the models?
I know it has a physics engine for example.
I have used MMD but lack of English instructions for everything hindered me geatly, not to mention the complicated copyright rules on some models, yes have english version and tutorials etc as well as the collada dae exporter that one can use to get rigged figures into iclone via Autodesk FBX exporter.
By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
honestly, the shaders he's asking for shouldn't be much - 3D coat has some amazing shaders that look even better - then daz and carrara ....i suppose that in reality with direct-11 it should be expected ..if anything ( providing it doesn't slow down the work flow!!! )

I'm just trying to help RL take over the top dog in 3D position, if for nothing else - just to get swoop to laugh at autodesk and admit that it's old technology.
By wendyluvscatz - 10 Years Ago
sorry saw you said it does not used baked texture
I am actually unsure what you really mean though as I fail to see anything special about those shaders
By butaixianran - 10 Years Ago
planetstardragon (6/27/2014)
3D coat has some amazing shaders that look even better - then daz and carrara

the shaders of 3d coat, where can I get them or at least further information?
By butaixianran - 10 Years Ago
planetstardragon (6/27/2014)

if these guys https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1412277313/this-is-war-an-lfg-musical-short?ref=category can make $118,000 over their goal target, reallusion would clean up!

I'm really shocked a plan like this can get almost 140,000 dollars. You just gave us a great idea, I'll think more about it Smile

By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
3D Coat is a modeling software - www.3Dcoat.com - the idea behind using shaders with them, is baking your textures with their shaders and lighting before importing to iclone - or any other software. - this is one way to save resources on your rendering software while having rich realistic textures.

Iclone is great at presenting flat images - meaning, that if you import a prop or character with great quality textures - it will reflect in the render without degrading it. This way iclone is not using up resources for calculating a realistic look in real time.

By animagic - 10 Years Ago
The MMD shaders look alright if you are after that look I guess, but I disagree with the assessment of iClone rendering.

Anyway, audiences don't care. They watch movies on phones and love Minecraft animations.

By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
@animagic, that is so true - a great story is what holds an audience, but you also have to admit - pretty / bright colors with - flashy technology makes em look, but without a great story, they wont stay.
By animagic - 10 Years Ago
I got an interesting comment regarding my latest production, "The Lost Client". The guy loved it, but he didn't like the TTS voices and thought it actually took away from the whole thing. 

In my case it was in part a time constraint. I think getting the voices lined up and recorded would add a few months to the production. Which is of course off topic...  

By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
but imo - that is a creative workflow - you found a project worth polishing, that's Awesome!
By butaixianran - 10 Years Ago
wendyluvscatz (6/27/2014)
are those in fact proceedural shaders or baked textures specific to the models?

As you can see from first pic and video, these shaders can be used on any model, not even just on figures.

wendyluvscatz (6/27/2014)
I fail to see anything special about those shaders

If you are making animation with DAZ, then nothing special about these shaders. But, if you're using iClone, don't you think, with these shader, MMD gets a better result than iClone?

Take this picture as an example, how could I get a result like this in iClone, even with the same figure? I mean without baking texture in other 3D software.

By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
you can get that look in iclone, you just need to rely more on your textures and models than the lighting. The trees in the background actually look more like a matte (background image) than models.

I tend to look at iclone more of like a compositing tool than an animation tool - I notice when I use real life pictures, my character inherits the real life look when the lighting is adjusted to mimic the background image.

my point, is your suggestion and idea are not wrong, but also be careful what you ask for as one of the strongest features of iclone is it's real time rendering - Iclone can currently out render in speed any other software that uses shading. The second iclone loses that speed, then I'm just better off making a library of assets in modo or carrara and using presets in a software that does it all, because it's going to take a long time everywhere.

There are many techniques you can use to imitate this shading - so whether we get the shading or not in the future, it would only increase your skill set to learn new ways of imitating that picture you are showing in iclone - using different techniques.

1 mountain, many ways to climb it lol Smile 1 image, many ways to achieve it, including photoshopping - don't compromise your project because that tool is not available now ....the look IS available now, just not the particular path you were looking for. BigGrin

This is an example of what I mean using the technique I just described above, in iclone. no photoshop.

By butaixianran - 10 Years Ago
planetstardragon (6/27/2014)
the idea behind using shaders with them, is baking your textures

I know about baking, That's not what I want. MMD's shader effects don't need to bake your texture, which makes you can ajust the shader anytime, and it works on any model. That's much more flexible and convenient than baking.

iClone already has a toon shader function like that, just not good enough for now.Ermm
By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
it's called toon shader, but imo - it's really more like a cartoon filter, it's filtering the final output 2D image by a new arrangement of lights - it's not running in a synthesized shader format on the character itself like other software. If we gonna go there, we gotta go there the right way hehe
By sbaerman - 10 Years Ago
I think I would be paying quite a fair share if I clone gets a much better render quality. At the moment everything it produces is stuff that is far from professional, but there is something in the softare to give it great capabilities ! So, Mr. Iclone : Instead of using Kick-Starter and waist Money on it, ask your customers, to prepay lets say

for mid quality 100 USD
for excellent quality 500 USD

and safe 50% on the later price. I would be in !
By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
I've thought in the past, it would be nice if iclone had a separate rendering module.

So creating scenes and sets in the first module can remain fast, but then you open the project in another module that specifically for shaders, God Rays, global illumination, HD Renders ...etc ...

this way for those that want to keep it low cost hobby can do so with more animation tools - and rendering as it is now, and those that want to spend more on lighting, and polishing your scene can add that module to their tool set.

also a nice way to avoid bloating the process of creating.

in 3DX5 - you import, in iclone you animate - in the Render module you polish. - keep em all seperate so they all work fast and don't flood the iclone UI with tons of extra pages and small print.

this would also allow RL space to make each module eventually the best of it's class, divide and conquer! /roar

If steve jobs were alive ...he'd probably say it like..... import, ....create,.....polish.
We've revolutionized the digital art workflow.
By butaixianran - 10 Years Ago
planetstardragon (6/27/2014)
I've thought in the past, it would be nice if iclone had a separate rendering module.

I'm afraid, that's a thing iClone team may never do.

As you said, We need it keeps in realtime. With a real professional rendering engine, the pain of rendering animation could kill you. It takes you hours and hours and hours! Most people won't accept that since they expect iClone should be fast and saving time.

That's why I take MMD's shader as an example. It gives better rendering which audiences can accept and still keeps in realtime.

About iClone's cartoon toon shader, let's say...sure it's simple, but also is a good start for shader function, and we need more.
By Rampa - 10 Years Ago
That's a thing that is in-the-works for iClone 6! There will be a non-realtime software renderer available (prepare to pay), and there will be an updated realtime engine. So far, we know it have some sort of global illumination, and "100 or so" lights.

RL's next "teaser" video will be on "dynamic textures".
By animagic - 10 Years Ago
I still maintain that people who know what they are doing, and there are those, can get very good rendering results with iClone. Maybe not for the "toon" look, but that is a specific look and not related to the quality of the end result. The MMD background looks actually pretty bad in the example given.
By butaixianran - 10 Years Ago
rampa (6/28/2014)
That's a thing that is in-the-works for iClone 6! There will be a non-realtime software renderer available (prepare to pay), and there will be an updated realtime engine. So far, we know it have some sort of global illumination, and "100 or so" lights.

A non-realtime renderer will work, but without realtime rendering, iClone will be just as painful as DAZ3D and Cinema4D. Think about taking 1.5 minutes per frame on rendering. A 5 minutes animation in 30 fps will take 225 hours!!! Which is about 9.4 full days!!

Will you accept that? Check out some DAZ animations from internet, they are all very very short!

A updated realtime engine, if you mean update to Directx 11, it's not what people thought would lead to a better rendering result. What it does is making your realtime renderer even faster!

Lets say, you have a scene running in 60fps for now, and with Directx 11, it will be 120-140 fps. But if the renderering result will look better? No, it will look as the same as it is now.

About GI, if it works in the way as the lights in iClone now, it won't help. If it works in the way as the GI in DAZ, 3DMax, C4D, it won't be realtime.

But, Directx 11 has Shader Model 5.0 with HLSL language, which is the way MMD using to make these shader effects. If iClone team works on that, we will have exactly the same function as MMD has now.
By vidi - 10 Years Ago
how could I get a result like this in iClone, even with the same figure?

how can I download this figure for testing in iClone ?

For me at the moment it looks not spectacular , but maybe I change my mind if I can see it In a direct comparison in iClone
By butaixianran - 10 Years Ago
vidi (6/28/2014)
how can I download this figure for testing in iClone ?

Ah, I'll offer a model for testing and a comparison about "with shaders VS without shaders".

This takes time, it'll be done in next hours.
By wendyluvscatz - 10 Years Ago
Vidi, if you search for mikumikudance in forum you will find a thread where I asked about it and Hirospot provided some very detailed tutorials on getting the figures into iclone.
I find their licensing restrictions too confusing and finding ones you can use hard as all the sites in Japanese.
they are very lowpoly and not so special on their own, it is the physics engine on the extra bones as well as these apparenty wow factor shaders that do the magic.
Spring bones in iClone look pretty good though too but of course mesh intersects which it does not in MMD.
By wendyluvscatz - 10 Years Ago
I never really understood the appeal of the toony shader thing myself
is it trying to look like hand painted cell animation or 3D?
IMO Daz figures in iClone with selfcast shadows look far superior to any MMD animation but then that is maybe my misunderstanding of the art form.

By theschemer - 10 Years Ago
Is that really Aiko6 in the videos? So we can use pretty much anything from DAZ in iClone thru 3DX?
By wendyluvscatz - 10 Years Ago
I had to remove all her and clothing bump abd displacement maps to load but yes
that hood had displacement too I had to kill.
have to hand do all the visemes and expressions too and have a saved tpose with fingers unbent I use.
By theschemer - 10 Years Ago
wendyluvscatz (6/28/2014)
I had to remove all her and clothing bump abd displacement maps to load but yes
that hood had displacement too I had to kill.
have to hand do all the visemes and expressions too and have a saved tpose with fingers unbent I use.

Ok, so it is possible, just a lot of extra work. But that is good to know that it can be done.
By Rampa - 10 Years Ago
I'm basing my presumptions on these two statement about iClone 6. So.... Hopefully.Smile

"iClone6 has fully rebuilt it's core engine based on DirectX11. By combining GI and deferred lighting, there will be great visual improvement and more light numbers are supported."

"Other than the big enhancement on real-time engine, iClone6 will support software rendering through plug In architecture. The same content will looked totally different after the fine render."
By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
swoop, considering you do 3D for a living, you should keep up with the latest news. Wink

By butaixianran - 10 Years Ago
wendyluvscatz (6/28/2014)
I never really understood the appeal of the toony shader thing myself

Shader is a script can do anything. So, it's kind of a preset for any effect you want. You can make a bad lighting looks much more real, or you can make wood looks like glass.

In MMD, as the lighting function are so bad, people use shader function as a preset of lighting and shadow result.

Since iClone wants to keep in realtime, it will always have the same lighting problem as MMD does, so shader would be very useful. You don't think it's useful, because the shaders we have now are not good enough.

And your video looks good because you're using best models of DAZ, and your video don't have a close-up shot. Which covers some problems of the bad realtime lighting.

By animagic - 10 Years Ago
I think we have to make a distinction between preview, which should be as real-time as possible, and final render, which will not be real-time depending on the quality settings. Even now, final rendering for certain scenes slows down the fps count to less than real-time, which is to be expected.

No high-quality final render can be expected to be real-time. So what you would do is have a "draft" setting to see if your scenes work from an animation perspective and then, if so desired, you could do a final high-quality render.

Rendering is already so much faster with better quality than it used to be. Check out how much CPU/GPU power and time it takes for Pixar to render a single frame and that should help to keep expectations realistic and in perspective.

By Rampa - 10 Years Ago
That software renderer will be an addon, similar to the cartoon/monster builders, physics toolbox, Kinect, Earth Sculptor, etc. Modularity rocks!

Not everyone will need it. Depends if your happy with the "real-time" renderer, or not.

I'm going to guess $59.99
By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
i'm going to guess about 149 - based on Octane Render's price. It depends what render engine they use. ( i personally like the arnold render, it has a warm classic look, fast )
By Dreamcube017 - 10 Years Ago
Hm some of these shaders look pretty easy to replicate. Obviously the one in DAZ will be better because it's an offline renderer hence the soft shadows and iC doesn't currently support the realtime version of that.

Take a look at the two attached images.

Those were rendered in iClone with just a few tweaks to the lighting, ambient light, and either the image based lighting or the character illumination.

Yes it's a LITTLE more work, but you have more control over it. And that's just with the basic lighting, ambient light, and character illumination. if you start messing with the IBL and color effects, you can get some even nicer looking things.

iClone's default set up is kinda blah though, but it can be modified to how you want it.

Maybe in iClone 6, you'll get even more stuff to work with... oh and just so you konw, DirectX 11 will do more than just MAKE your scenes render faster. It'll allow you to do things you weren't able to do before. Some of them were mentioned such as more lights and GI and even things you've probably seen already like polygon tessalation which will make things smoother so light plays off of them better.

Let me know what you think though.

By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
I ain't hatin! - if making midgets with big noses makes you happy, do you!! Be happy! Just happy you don't have to pay bills on it , is all im saying!

and I trust reallusion, ( along with the ability to voice my opinion on the forum lol ) - I think RL will incorporate the newest techniques to the best that real time allows it, without the need to have a quantum computer. - the offline rendering will no doubt take those qualities to a new level. Now what offline render engine will they go with!! I wonder!

my picks, lux, renderman or arnold!

would be nice if they had a plug in that gave you a selection!
By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
yeah, the particle system needs some love ...and physics! can't have cloth physics without wind / turbulence!
By Dreamcube017 - 10 Years Ago
They said they're going to have some sort of... cloth dynamics map or something in the next version. Not sure how that's going to work, but it should be interesting.
By tq.linux - 10 Years Ago
At First,Thank you for the iAvatar for a test.
I was delayed in noticing that you added the first page.

I used your transplant Avatar.

This time, I used the following parameters.
Self-illumination / Diffuse Color / Ambient Color / Self Cast Shadow / DOF / Effect

It is the charm of iClone5 that can check change in real time.(Effects+DOF.JPG)
I also expect the new function and the increase Presets in iClone6.
By sbaerman - 10 Years Ago
THIS IS REALLY WHAT WE NEED. OTHERWISE ICLONE REMAINS A TOY and soon other applications will overrun the capabilities Iclone has today. !

planetstardragon (6/27/2014)
I've thought in the past, it would be nice if iclone had a separate rendering module.

So creating scenes and sets in the first module can remain fast, but then you open the project in another module that specifically for shaders, God Rays, global illumination, HD Renders ...etc ...

this way for those that want to keep it low cost hobby can do so with more animation tools - and rendering as it is now, and those that want to spend more on lighting, and polishing your scene can add that module to their tool set.

also a nice way to avoid bloating the process of creating.

in 3DX5 - you import, in iclone you animate - in the Render module you polish. - keep em all seperate so they all work fast and don't flood the iclone UI with tons of extra pages and small print.

this would also allow RL space to make each module eventually the best of it's class, divide and conquer! /roar

If steve jobs were alive ...he'd probably say it like..... import, ....create,.....polish.
We've revolutionized the digital art workflow.
By Dreamcube017 - 10 Years Ago

WOW tq.Linux that's very nice. You're exactly right in that you just have to mess with the deffuse, ambience, and the lighting on things.

I feel like this thread got so derailed... at least a little.

While it is true that iClone doesn't have those preset shaders, it DOES have a TON of things MMD does not have. All the lighting and stuff can't be done in MMD which is WHY they NEED those shaders. Granted, lighting presets and stuff would be nice... oh wait, you can just make those. iClone is capable of doing a good bit of the shader effects in MMD.

As I said, Yeah DAZ is gonna win because it's a software rendering engine.


While I agree that an offline renderer would be nice, I'm getting really sick of the "without [insert feature here] iClone will be a toy" or "will be useless" or "will not be professional".

If that's the case, let's take a look at C4D's .obj import and export... GARBAGE!!!!!! That is a basic feature that all programs should do correctly... it doesn't. You have to BUY A PLUGIN... a THIRD PARTY PLUGIN!!! But that's a pro tool... yeah ok.

Now granted, there are other things that iClone can really use. If RL puts in all the DX11 bells and whistles, heck, you could get away with some VERY NICE looking stuff.

I'd rather them just make a plugin for a 3rd party software renderer like Mental Ray, Renderman, Octane or whatever and actually FOCUS on making the realtime renderer better.

Let's get something straight.

NOT having an offline renderer WILL NOT make iClone a toy.

Things like not being able to have more control over keyframes on the timeline and not having more control over dynamics and character and prop handling is what is holding iClone back.


So to the original poster, what do you think of the examples tq and I posted? Might not be perfect, but not too bad or can they be improved.

By animagic - 10 Years Ago
Well said, Dreamcube...

I was going to comment: "It's only a toy in the hands of children" with my apologies to the children, actually.

Over the years I haven't actually seen much produced by those who always say "iClone needs this" or "if only iClone had that".

There is a difference between new feature suggestions, which are welcome, and talking the product down if your particular feature isn't added and then proclaiming the end of iClone.

In the words of the poet: "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."

RL is working on iClone 6, which should be an exciting release.

OK, I'm done.

By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
animagic (7/2/2014)
"It's only a toy in the hands of children" with my apologies to the children, actually.

if swoop likes big nosed midgets, that's his prerogative!!
By bsperan - 10 Years Ago
butaixianran (6/28/2014)
A non-realtime renderer will work, but without realtime rendering, iClone will be just as painful as DAZ3D and Cinema4D. Think about taking 1.5 minutes per frame on rendering. A 5 minutes animation in 30 fps will take 225 hours!!! Which is about 9.4 full days!!

Will you accept that? Check out some DAZ animations from internet, they are all very very short!

WHY? Doze Why does this have to be a black and white choice between one extreme or the other?

As animagic pointed out, not everything in iClone is realtime: " final rendering for certain scenes slows down the fps count to less than real-time... "

What's wrong with a sliding bar instead of a Yes/No or On/Off? When we use a paint program to compress a .JPG file, we get a slider or input to set a tradeoff between quality and file size. So why not have a final render panel with sliders and a checklist of render options to set a tradeoff between quality and rendering time? For that matter, why can't we have a choice in rendering engine, the way software like Blender gives users that choice?

Some iClone users have better hardware than others. But does it make sense to limit iClone's final rendering capabilities to the slowest hardware of all users? Does it makes sense to limit final rendering speed to the patience of the iClone user with the least amount of patience?

I'm saying final rendering in iClone 6 does not have to take DAYS or even HOURS to be greatly improved upon from what we currently have.

As time marches on, iClone users will eventually upgrade their PC or PC hardware. Consider that iClone 6 is not even out yet. We might see a release in, what, November? And as new software comes out, system requirements inevitably climb to take better advantage of newer hardware. iClone should be no different.

butaixianran (6/28/2014)
A updated realtime engine, if you mean update to Directx 11, it's not what people thought would lead to a better rendering result. What it does is making your realtime renderer even faster!

Is that word-of-mouth information? Or is it your interpretation of what the devs have revealed so far? I'll be surprised, and greatly disappointed, if all that iClone 6 brings is faster rendering times. (Realtime is realtime, anyway. You can't really improve upon that.) Indeed, if that's the case I won't be tempted to upgrade any time soon.

butaixianran (6/28/2014)
Lets say, you have a scene running in 60fps for now, and with Directx 11, it will be 120-140 fps. But if the renderering result will look better? No, it will look as the same as it is now.

Yes, if all DirectX 11 support does is improve the FPS, then we won't notice a difference. All the human eye can recognize is about 60 FPS. Any more is rather pointless.

butaixianran (6/28/2014)
About GI, if it works in the way as the lights in iClone now, it won't help. If it works in the way as the GI in DAZ, 3DMax, C4D, it won't be realtime.

Umm... Have you seen nVidia's tech demo video on GI that planetstardragon pointed out?

planetstardragon (6/28/2014)

Yes, it actually is realtime. That is, on newer video cards that support GI and platforms with DirectX 11.
By justaviking - 10 Years Ago
DX11 is not all about improved frame rates.  (That's actuall a key feature of DX12, thouth).  DX11 provides a lot of "visual" functionality that can help a real-time tool like iClone (and various game engines) tremendously improve their graphical renderings without having to develop their software for specific AMD or Nvidia cards.

Support for... cloth... subsurface scattering... lots of lighting stuff... indirect lighting...

. .

 If you run into too many performance issues with your off-line (or interactive) rendering, then you could always dial-down the quantity and sophistication of your effects.  For example, use one light for your chandelier, not 38 small bulbs.

By planetstardragon - 10 Years Ago
great stuff , but i imagine it will always come back to computing power -

something will have to give to have that much detail, physics calculations, lighting calculations, realtime particles with physics and shading, God lights etc ..going on at one time to create stuffer free footage.

the "pro" question imo is, how much is achievable in todays level of technology.

i'm making my 4770k choke with simple experiments - add to this a margin of error that all software needs.

how much can be really made stable with a pro-sumer rig - ( separating the freelancer, vs the corporate set up pixar has )

yes , we need a 'tone it down' button for hobbyists on laptops, but what is the 'realtime' max threshold for the freelancer ?

By justaviking - 10 Years Ago
planetstardragon (7/3/2014)
great stuff , but i imagine it will always come back to computing power -

something will have to give to have that much detail, physics calculations, lighting calculations, realtime particles with physics and shading, God lights etc ..going on at one time to create stuffer free footage.

As someone mentioned earlier in this (or another) thread, it doesn't always have to be extremes.

You might not be able to effectively render in realtime, meaning it might stutter and struggle, but you could turn off shadows, reflections, particles and fog, etc.

But that doesn't mean it will take days to render.

Imagine your final render runs at a SLOW rate of one frame per second.  A 5-minute iClone scene, which is very long in iClone land, has 5*60*30=9,000 frames.  At 1 FPS that translates to 2.5 hours of render time.

As long as you don't re-render your "final" output multiple times a day, that's not a huge problem, especially for the gains in visual quality.

And... if this can render offline ("background mode") then you can maybe continue working in iClone while it's processing the other scene.