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Oh No, swoop has invoked the great wall of babble, quick put on your rubber boots!!  "but that's not how we do it anymore grandpa, reallusion invented a technology in iclone 50 where you press one button and it creates what we were thinking!" "that's not movie making!!!" "That's not music" "That's not living" Keep up with the times dude!
☯🐉 "To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu
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do you know why autodesk is closing down xsi, lowering their cloud prices, and buying a game engine ? because they have to adapt to us, we don't have to adapt to them! They, like their groupies, simply follow the majority aka, "the industry standards taught in school" artists are the trend setters that cause a majority to do things a certain way, and are talked about in school. Thank You!
☯🐉 "To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu
Posted 11 Years Ago
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I love armstrongs work, and I think he's brilliant. I also think he is very capable of learning all the necessary software, gizmo and gadgets - but I also believe he enjoys the animation aspect of it and wants to be able to stay fast from concept to creation. everything swoop ever points out is about team thinking, where your job is rigging, or making a character ....where as armstrong is delivering whole movie concepts to his clients. It's simply a different game , and at this point - I'd have to question swoops motives for being so rebellious to that workflow, especially after it's been made painfully clear to him. We have our talented modelers, but we also have our directors. Get a grip! - here's a clue, great directors have a better chance at being efficient techies, than techies have of being great directors ......I've been both and know how much effort it took to snap myself out of the "Industry standard" "today's pop" "pop culture" you can't be a trend setter if you only follow trends! if picasso would have spent most of his life hunting down berries to make paint, he wouldn't have had enough time to be picasso!
☯🐉 "To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu
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planetstardragon (6/15/2014)
sw00000p (6/15/2014) ....deleted duplicate post!
you'd have to erase everything, because you say the same thing over and over :P I agree with you wholeheartedly. I was going to say much more, because I don't like it when true artists like Armstrong are being put down, but then I remembered that it's not worth feeding the malicious wolf... AN ANIMATOR IS AN ANIMATOR IS AN ANIMATOR!
Posted 11 Years Ago
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sw00000p (6/15/2014) ....deleted duplicate post!
you'd have to erase everything, because you say the same thing over and over :P
☯🐉 "To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu
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So many hate on you.....
Posted 11 Years Ago
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... "Intel, intel everywhere. Who's kicking up a stink?"
Dreamcube017 (6/14/2014) Hm it just seems like Armstrong would like the authoring tools IN iClone. ...//... that's not what iClone is for.
If all that stuff WAS in iClone, it wouldn't take you any less time, at least not really. If you'd rather just not put in the work to do those things, then that's just that.
.......... Don't make too big an issue of "Time" because my argument is simply time over money. Not the time it takes. I'll sit there as long as the next man in order to create what I need. I love it. ESPECIALY when it comes out as I'd hoped. I never really thought I could do as much even with the primitives in iClone when I started out. My line was... why make so much fuss and dance about the editability side to Animators? Tesselation is a wonderful addition. Dont accuse me of killing this. And I, like any other animator, will really appreciate seeing it in action on set or on Avatars come the time.
But I just wanted it clearly stated.... Is it an addition that holds controllability for the Modeller??? OR the Animator? I presume the beneficiality of Tesselation is in System load aside from the Video-Stated benefits. I think Fluency in iClone at least as far as the Founder members of this forum are concerned means that it takes a fraction of time to create a superb looking set. Three or four extra setting doesn't make any difference to time-output. Wher the time DOES come in is in modelling. This is a sophisticated arena in what ever software you use. I would love to sit down and spend the time learning it inside out. but Im needed in two other areas at once elsewhere. And issueing animations to clients is a tight clock issue. Where I see a need is for an arena like an agency if you liek of registered developers who are enabled in modelling for IClone and whom you can get in touch with a nd ssay.... "HERY, I need this by this dats asap???" THEY come back with a price. Monies change hands. The object is made tomorrow. On set emmediately. Job done. Sadly, as efficient and bog-basic as that sounds.... it apepars to be an impossibility and we just keep being told. Buy Cheap get cheap. I dont agree with that B.S. iClone has a niche it fits into very well in the commercial world. It has multi faceted output now and it works very well.
What the ANIMATOR needs is to believe is that he/she still exists as the origin target for aimation software in the first place and not as some secondary money pumping consumer who finances elements he has to buy but cannot use.
Lets see the next WORK IN PROGRESS VIDEO.
Armstrong. |
Posted 11 Years Ago
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- mtakerkart (6/14/2014) Sorry Amstrong sorry if I hurt you....:blush: It wasn't really really my intention.....
I think I expressed myself badly. When I bought Iclone for 150$, 3 years ago , I'm not expecting make professional work, if I success, it will be a very good thing. Iclone was sell for previz... is previz professional? Don't have the answer. When I cheked "accept user agreement" when I installed the software , I have no choice to "obey" ;) because Iclone do what the user manual say. It is our contract. Me too , I asked lot of wishes to reallusion team , They ask us to fill a survey for the next version. I can assure you I'm living in a very very indepedant creative domain. Finally , why I'm so enthousiastic of this tool ? May be because I'm waiting since 1981 a tool like this..... :D
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Hm it just seems like Armstrong would like the authoring tools IN iClone. There are some limited things you can do with maps in iClone, but not too much because that's not what iClone is for. It's like other realtime engines. For the advanced things dealing with modeling and texturing, you need other tools. That's why Unreal and Unity have things like tools and plugins. for other applications. If all that stuff WAS in iClone, it wouldn't take you any less time, at least not really. If the problem is not wanting to buy more programs, then like I said, Blender can do some rather nice sculpting. If you'd rather just not put in the work to do those things, then that's just that. And Sw000000p, the reason I said the OTHER normal map is because someone else referred to it as that. I know what a bump map is.
---------------------------------------------------- ***BEST OF THE CORE** :A music reel demonstrating the different types of music I produce for multimedia. Hope everyone enjoys.
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Vit3D (6/14/2014) justaviking, I do not think that adding Vector Displacement map will affect (increase) the prices of content, because for creating high quality Normal Bump maps developer need to sculpt model in 3D application (Zbrush, Mudbox or 3D-Coat) and export (bake) normal map. So in this case not a problem at all to export vector displacement too ;) For example all my models have been sculpted in Zbrush and support of Vectors Displacement will not increase my pipeline -- I just will export one more map after sculpting. :)Oh, well that's excellent news! :) Thank your for that clarification. It makes sense when you put it that way.
iClone 7... Character Creator... Substance Designer/Painter... Blender... Audacity... Desktop (homebuilt) - Windows 10, Ryzen 9 3900x CPU, GTX 1080 GPU (8GB), 32GB RAM, Asus X570 Pro motherboard, 2TB SSD, terabytes of disk space, dual monitors. Laptop - Windows 10, MSI GS63VR STEALTH-252, 16GB RAM, GTX 1060 (6GB), 256GB SSD and 1TB HDD