Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 17 Years Ago
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Hi Everyone, The reports that have been coming in from some members who have had problems purchasing through Element 5 (Digital River) may have caused some confusion to those who have placed orders or are thinking of purchasing iClone 3 or any other Reallusion software. Below is an update on the current situation: - According to Element 5 many of the problems have been caused by a technical error at German PayPal. E5 are aware of this and because of the problem are having to deal with many purchases manually and this has caused the slower than normal response.
- Dispite what some have claimed on the forum, Digital River, of which Element 5 is a part, is the worlds leading Ecommerce provider. They offer a very secure service so no one should be concerned about placing orders through them.
- Very few orders actually have problems, but if you do then you should first check the Element 5 FAQ page.
- If you are still encountering problems after checking and acting on the advice given in the FAQ then you can contact Reallusion's own sales department who can process orders manually if neccessary. Sales can be contacted by using the following email address.
Hopefully the points above will answer any doubts you may be having about ordering from Reallusion. My thanks to Jacqueline Lin, who is the Internation Sales Manager at Reallusion for the above information.
==================================================== Sorry...this is is something to add to Peter's post
Recently, here were some members in trouble when purchasing through Element 5 system. Fortunately, their problems have been solved by the support team.
During this period, here were also some arguments between members in a thread. We apologize if there's any misunderstand resulted from this case. Since the party suggests we close that thread which might make any bad feelings, we have hidden this thread. And we hope everybody can still have quality conversation and good service here.
Best wishes Visconti
Peter Forum Administrator
Posted 17 Years Ago
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The companies under investigation by the State Prosecutor are the Süddeutschen Klassenlotterie (SKL) and LottoTeam Köln. This has nothing to do eith Element 5. Gerry
System: Win 10 Pro (21H2), Asus X99-E WS, CPU i7-5930K -3,5 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 2666-16 RAM, NVidia GTX 1080 Ti GPU - 11 GB VRAM(Driver Studio-536.99), Samsung 850 Pro 512 GB SSD, 6 TB HD storage.
Posted 17 Years Ago
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wires (8/12/2008) The companies under investigation by the State Prosecutor are the Süddeutschen Klassenlotterie (SKL) and LottoTeam Köln. This has nothing to do eith Element 5.
I perfectly understand your point, but when it comes to protecting my money's safety I am not about to take any chances. I will simply not make any purchase from Digital River until things are perfectly clear. This is the doctrine of preemptive strike: We don't have to prove they are guilty, but rather it is they who must prove they are innocent of any wrongdoing.
Posted 17 Years Ago
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wires (8/12/2008) The companies under investigation by the State Prosecutor are the Süddeutschen Klassenlotterie (SKL) and LottoTeam Köln. This has nothing to do eith Element 5. GerryIt's not correct what you write. Also the MV Consulting GmbH was under investigation and there are computers confiscated. And a consulting company may be involved in eCommerce, too. To make it clear: I have not accused Element 5. I only reported about my experiences with this company and the fact, that they had saved my safety pin contrary their statement not to do it. And that the staff of the call center under their fon number in Germany is very unfriendly. I remember the names of these unfriendly persons who talked with me as I would be a terrorist and not a customer of reallusion and it seemed that they had a problem, because I wanted to pay in USD and not in Euros...................... Also I reported, that I had a good support by reallusion, especially by Jaqueline Lin (Internatinal Sales Manager) and Peter Edwards ( Tutor ).
PS: Meine Erfahrungen mit der Einarbeitung in iClone in deutscher Sprache in meinem Blog.
Posted 17 Years Ago
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The information that was "traded" contained Bank Account numbers of German customers, with accounts in German Banks, available to the companies mentioned above - that information also contained their Telephone numbers and the scam was run by first calling the person with a trick question and then withdrawing money from their account. The scam has been blown, and the information is in the hands of the German police - people are being warned. This whole thing only affects those who have nothing better to do with their money except gamble.:crazy: If you have never played online Lottery in Germany then you have nothing to worry about. Members of the CIA and FBI probably know more about your Bank account and Credit Card than your own family - so why worry, everything is in safe hands.:P
System: Win 10 Pro (21H2), Asus X99-E WS, CPU i7-5930K -3,5 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 2666-16 RAM, NVidia GTX 1080 Ti GPU - 11 GB VRAM(Driver Studio-536.99), Samsung 850 Pro 512 GB SSD, 6 TB HD storage.
Posted 17 Years Ago
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Also the MV Consulting GmbH was under investigation and there are computers confiscated. Not according to this report on ARD. Gerry
System: Win 10 Pro (21H2), Asus X99-E WS, CPU i7-5930K -3,5 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 2666-16 RAM, NVidia GTX 1080 Ti GPU - 11 GB VRAM(Driver Studio-536.99), Samsung 850 Pro 512 GB SSD, 6 TB HD storage.
Posted 17 Years Ago
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wires (8/12/2008)
Members of the CIA and FBI probably know more about your Bank account and Credit Card than your own family - so why worry, everything is in safe hands.:PI don't think you should take this matter jokingly, and you probably wouldn't if you ever were the victim of identity theft, as I once was. Three years ago I was stupid enough to give my AMEX credit card # over the phone for a purchase, and next thing I knew there was over $3,000.- unauthorized charge on that card. Fortunately AMEX was nice enough to agree that the purchased items were totally outside my purchase patterns and I got a prompt refund. I don't know whether AMEX ever investigated the matter or they just wrote it off as bad debt. But trust me, identity theft is a very traumatizing experience, and one that should be taken very very seriuosly.
Posted 17 Years Ago
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TO Peter Edwards ----------------- Thank you for closing the other FORUM. It was really a drag to talk issues when I wanted to make by ICLONE 3 Masterpiece! The problmes issues are now where they should be, moderated by a RL Team Member. The RL team is obviously on top of these issues- YOU GOT THE MESSAGE!!! Now I can truly be OUT OF HERE and concentrate on what I liked about your corporation. YOUR SUPERIOR, INDUSTRY LEADING, FANTASTIC, ICLONE 3 - will see you there when my first IC3 Masterpiece is COMPLETE!!!! (You know who:kiss:
Posted 17 Years Ago
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wires (8/12/2008)
Also the MV Consulting GmbH was under investigation and there are computers confiscated. Not according to this report on ARD. Gerry Okay, here is another report at n-tv, -and the name was told in different other TV stations- that the MV Consulting GmbH in Viersen sold the data and I found out that this company also is involved in a call center which has not only bank account data, but also credit card data. You only must google, to find it out, As you write, it seems, that you don't use credit cards. So I only can understand, in which cool way you are posting about this serious matter.
PS: Meine Erfahrungen mit der Einarbeitung in iClone in deutscher Sprache in meinem Blog.
Wayne From Miller
Wayne From Miller
Posted 17 Years Ago
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"Recently, here were some members in trouble when purchasing through Element 5 system. Fortunately, their problems have been solved by the support team.":w00t:
Someone may have given you incorrect information. My problem has yet to be resolved. I like everyone else waited for the delayed release but while waiting decided to go for the update for Crazy Talk, figured ...hey it would give be something to do till the new iClone was available. After several attempts it finally went through, but no e mail download link, just e mails that Credit Card was Denied. Checked with credit card company and a payment was made to for $ 89.60 . Hmmm No Crazy Talk no Refund. Went ahead and tried to order Power Bundle Pack III Pro anyway similar snafu. Numerous e - Mails 20 and counting. My order status is undetermined. The last contact I made was to cancel all orders and refund or credit my account $ 89.60. At which time I will order Power Bundle Pack III Pro hopefully using snail mail and a check. It was suggested that I e mail my credit card info to place an order, didn't seem a good like idea to me given the circumstances thus far. My order history shows 3 rejected orders "Orders with a red strike through were either rejected, or the amount has been refunded to you."and 3 payment not received. Thank You to those who are beta testing , when I eventually get the program all the bugs should be worked out.;)