Dreamcube017 (9/10/2011)
So I know iC5 will be out pretty soon, but maybe in a later release, it'd be cool if you could have lights use volumetric. I KNOW it's possible because I've seen two other DirectX powered engines do it in DirectX 9 with not too much lag... well really no lag and I'm on a win7 computer with a GTX 260 (which is KINDA old now)... so yeah, just putting that out there.
*clears through*...actual sky and cloud system..? What?.... Oh, I didn't say anything.DC, your knowledge of what is possible because of your experience outside iClone is good stuff and it's one of the reasons you contribute to the community. Keep it coming: we're very lucky that Reallusion tries so hard to give us what we ask for. :)
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