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Size of Head Image In crazy Talk 6 SE

Posted By JayBee 13 Years Ago
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If I want head image to be placed in the lower left of frame, so I can use a special background that I want to be seen in finished project, how do I adjust size of image and save?
Thanks, Jeff
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 13 Years Ago
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Hi Jeff

If you are using the Standard Edition of CrazyTalk then you can use the Camera Editor to position your character into the right place at Frame 1.

The Camera Editor is available by going into Script - Stage. You then use the Movement, Zoom and Rotate controls to position your character.

Make sure that you mask out the background of your character image first so you can add your own background behind your character.

Hope this helps. Smile


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Thanks Peter,

So I open PNG dog image (for example), then face fit. Then go to script>stage>camera and change size and locate where I want image placed. Then go back to model>background settings and insert background. Is there a way to adjust image with background layer in place (for a more accurate placement)? It appears that once the background is set, then I go back to stage>camera that both layers become locked?

When I go back to model, then add background, the image is not reduced and the background is not proportional to the stage view. Then when I return to stage the background doesn't fill frame. Do you have some more tips?

Also, unrelated to above, in face fitting does blue box automatically show up in approximately correct location? It always seems to be in the upper left corner.

After researching past posts, it appears that the best way to do the above is use an outside editor and import my completed image? I thought by doing it within Crazy Talk, with a PNG image, I could eliminate any background distortion when I animate my dog's head. I cannot get the background image to fill the image area!

13 Years Ago by JayBee
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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If you want your background image to remain static while your character moves around then the best way is to make use of SFX track to add a background. Unfortunately this is only available in the Pro version so won't be usable in your version.

As you have already discovered it will be probably be easier to prepare your image as you want it before bringing it into CrazyTalk or alternatively if you have a video editor you could export your character without a background (using sequence image) and then add your background in the video editor afterwards.


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Thanks for your response.
I spent quite a bit of time last night trying to move a PNG around on a background image. It seems to be impossible.
So I used the masking tool in "background mask editing" and the end result looks good.
I think there should be a way to move a PNG image around on a background to get precise placement without using the Pro version.

Here is the end result. It's a little rough around the edges.

13 Years Ago by JayBee

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