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What am I doing wrong with 3DXChange and Blender?

Posted By Emerald Animation... 13 Years Ago
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Emerald Animation...
Posted 13 Years Ago
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I just started using Blender, so I expect the problem lies between the chair and the keyboard . . . .

I'm trying to modify a mesh using the procedure set out in the 3DXChange manual - "Modifying and Replacing Meshes in Models."

I select the mesh I want to modify, export it as an OBJ file, them import the OBJ file into Blender. The imported mesh appears far from the origin point, so I pan and rotate the view until it's where I can see it. I use Blender's sculpting tool to modify the mesh, then export it as a different OBJ file. But when I try to replace the mesh in 3DXChange, the results are completely random and bizarre.

I have even tried importing a mesh in Blender, then exporting it with absolutely no changes at all, and I still have the same problem. I have not found a post asking this question, and the only tutorial I found dealt with Argile, not Blender.

Any thoughts?

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