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What am I doing wrong with 3DXChange and Blender?

Posted By Emerald Animation... 13 Years Ago
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Emerald Animation...
Posted 13 Years Ago
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I just started using Blender, so I expect the problem lies between the chair and the keyboard . . . .

I'm trying to modify a mesh using the procedure set out in the 3DXChange manual - "Modifying and Replacing Meshes in Models."

I select the mesh I want to modify, export it as an OBJ file, them import the OBJ file into Blender. The imported mesh appears far from the origin point, so I pan and rotate the view until it's where I can see it. I use Blender's sculpting tool to modify the mesh, then export it as a different OBJ file. But when I try to replace the mesh in 3DXChange, the results are completely random and bizarre.

I have even tried importing a mesh in Blender, then exporting it with absolutely no changes at all, and I still have the same problem. I have not found a post asking this question, and the only tutorial I found dealt with Argile, not Blender.

Any thoughts?
Posted 13 Years Ago
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grc (8/19/2011)
I just started using Blender, so I expect the problem lies between the chair and the keyboard . . . .

I'm trying to modify a mesh using the procedure set out in the 3DXChange manual - "Modifying and Replacing Meshes in Models."

I select the mesh I want to modify, export it as an OBJ file, them import the OBJ file into Blender. The imported mesh appears far from the origin point, so I pan and rotate the view until it's where I can see it. I use Blender's sculpting tool to modify the mesh, then export it as a different OBJ file. But when I try to replace the mesh in 3DXChange, the results are completely random and bizarre.

I have even tried importing a mesh in Blender, then exporting it with absolutely no changes at all, and I still have the same problem. I have not found a post asking this question, and the only tutorial I found dealt with Argile, not Blender.

Any thoughts?

Try playing with the different export setting in blender, you might have something that is changing the point order of the object or adding something it does not need.

Hope this helps,


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Emerald Animation...
Emerald Animation...
Posted 13 Years Ago
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Thanks Stuckon3D -- there were "keep vertex order" options for both importing into Blender and exporting from Blender. Ticking them both did the trick.
Posted 13 Years Ago
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grc (8/19/2011)
Thanks Stuckon3D -- there were "keep vertex order" options for both importing into Blender and exporting from Blender. Ticking them both did the trick.

Excellent! glad to help. Smile

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Posted 13 Years Ago
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Hi, grc,

If I may add one more quickie point of note that some iClone/3DEXChange users were kind enough to show me regarding Blender/iClone conversions...

When looking at an .obj file in 3DEXChange for conversion into an iClone usable file, always remember to click on the 2-sided option (found near the materials group of buttons, scrolling down the right side of the screen in 3DEXCHANGE)....that way you don't end up with missing panels when you look at the mesh in 3DEXChange or iClone. Smile

I use Blender/3DEXChange/iClone as my ensemble of model building/modifying programs as well. Smile
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