The examples help a ton! I'll do a little hunting around, too. The ones you showed are rigged which is awesome. Adding bones and morphs for things like eyeballs isn't impossible; I'm just not a modeler. It helps that you don't need to animate, just pose! That makes it a lot more doable! As Auto Didact says, animating them like I did the dragon is HARD. I would not do it from scratch. That is a dragon I bought on the Unreal Marketplace, and came with premade animations I could just tweak.
I agree with Auto Didact that Blender is a great option; I just don't know Blender very well, sigh, and I really get wanting to stay in one ecosystem.
I can't make stuff from scratch, but I'm very happy to bring things in and make them useable for what you want. What kind of timeframe are you on? Like, do just want them as you go, or you want all of the ones you found? Maybe we ought to Zoom or something to get a better sense of if this will work for both of us. Or private email. Mine is
This weekend is terrible, but every day next week except Thursday is open for a Zoom; it's probably both faster and easier than email. I'm Pacific Time,
Life-long learner and having waaaay too much fun with iClone! Youtube Channel: 3DChick
Book Covers: Largely Unfinished Fiction: