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UE5 FBX Bone Names

Posted By oztarc Last Year
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UE5 FBX Bone Names

Posted Last Year
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Hi everyone,

I’m having some trouble when exporting a character model in FBX format. My goal is to make the model retargetable for different animations, but after exporting, I can’t seem to get it to work properly in other software (like Unreal Engine, for example).

Here’s my current workflow:

  1. I'm exporting the model with its skeleton and animations from [Blender/Maya/3ds Max, etc.].
  2. I’ve ensured that the skeleton is properly rigged and skinned before export.
  3. I select FBX export settings with ‘Include Animations,’ ‘Embed Media,’ and ‘Bake Animation,’ etc.
  4. But when I import it for retargeting, the skeleton nodes have diffrent names.

What I’d like to know:

  • Are there specific export settings or steps I should follow to ensure the model is retargetable for animations in Unreal Engine (or any other 3D software)?
  • How should the skeleton and rig be set up for proper retargeting?
  • Do I need to apply any specific naming conventions or scale adjustments?

Any guidance or solutions would be appreciated!

Posted Last Year
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If I'm understanding correctly, you make your models elsewhere, then bring them into CC4, then to iClone for animation, and you're trying to export them again?

If so, I can't speak for anything to do with Maya, etc., but I would start for sure using the Unreal presets for export from either iClone or CC4.  If you want to be able to retarget them to other rigs, you can do that in Unreal (probably better than in CC4). I would use the standard CC bone naming, but I'd think that would be taken care of when you bring your model into CC4. Once you get your model in CC then out again into Unreal, it's easier to rename and redo bones there, if necessary. (at least I think so). 

Also you might test sending your animation and model separately to Unreal, i.e. don't bake, or check the box to create separate FBX files. That might help you narrow down the problem.

Hope that helps. If not post where the failure occurs or maybe screen record your process, and we'll see if we can't figure it out.


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