Group: Administrators
Last Active: 3 Weeks Ago
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v4.41 (4.41.2812.1) released on Apr. 17th, 2024 Added function, enhancements, and several bug fixes. >> How to update Added: - The Export FBX panel now has the option to export character expressions as pure morph data, including "Jaw Open", "Jaw Left", and "Jaw Right".
Using the View Unpurchased Items will now also display items that include unbought components, making it easy to identify items that need to be licensed.Content Manager: Enhanced upcoming Workgroup service messages. Fixed:
The High Texture option is missing with Export Head > Mesh to MetaHuman function for characters with 4K skin textures. Feedback TrackerA character given any piece of clothing, has its material switched to SSS, has its body selected after using the Paint Material > Pick Cloth tool will lose its shader settings.Feedback TrackerGlow > Strength slider max values become 6,000 after importing a Glow channel texture. Feedback TrackerTextures do not update after editing them in an external application when Progressive Texture Loading and Compress Resources are enabled. Feedback TrackerContent Manager: An item cannot be redisplayed in "My Collections" after marking it as invisible and enabling the "Hide invisible content" option.Content Manager: "My Collections" is unexpectedly wiped clean after upgrading to iClone 8.4 / Character Creator 4.4.
Posted Last Year
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Last Year
Posts: 83,
Visits: 379
Is there a more detailed explanation of the change to add "pure morph data" to FBX Export? I currently use the option to export jaw motion as a blend shape (Merged_Mouth_Open). How do those two options differ? Are they meant to be used together?