Walking Stick (this assumes holding stick in right hand)
First add 3 things:
- Avatar
- Stick (I used a cylinder scaled to 5x/5x/100z)
- Default Box prop
For Avatar:
- Add walking motion (use one where arms 'swing' as close to desired stick motion as possible)
For Stick:
- Move Stick to approx starting position near Avatar
- Move Stick Pivot to the area where the hand will grasp (Edit Pivot in Modify tab)
- Use Edit Motion to adjust Avatar's arm/hand to realistic holding position at pivot location
- Attach Stick to Avatar Base_R_Hand
For Box:
- Scale to 5x/5y/5z (this will be target for stick to 'look at')
- Move the Box to be even with the Left foot but off to the right of the body (this is where the stick will hit the ground)
- Link the Box to the Avatar Base_L_Calf
Final Adjustments
For Stick:
- In Modify panel, find the 'Look at' section and choose 'Pick Target'
- Select the Box as Target (the stick may jump to a new orientation)
- Change Look at Axis to -Z (this may differ based on the prop you use for the stick)
For Box:
- Move the Box around to your preferred starting location. The Stick will 'follow' the box, which 'follows' the left foot action.
- Hide the box (either make a 'Dummy' or turn off visibility).
Press Play!
Reallusion Certified Director / Reallusion Best Visual Award / Reallusion Certified Content Developer
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