I am a new Reallusion user but certainly not new to graphics and software. Started with photoshop 2.5 so I can normally figure things out or find an online resource.
But I have to admit, the Realliusion tutorials leave a lot to be desired.
1. They Gloss over the Basics
It is like they assume everyone knows the interface and exact which each function does.
2. Do not Explain How to Solve a Problem
Everything they do works perfectly, there do not seem to be point out pitfalls.
I am trying to teach myself CC4 and Headshot 2 and keep running into the same problems on every model. This is obviously user error but there is little to no tutorials that address these issues.
A. Mesh to Head Mode
I can not get this to work no matter what I do. I always receive "Muliple section detected. To use Mesh to Head please make sure you have only one model selected".
The only thing I have is one netural character how do I resolve this ?
Does any have a good and through headshot 2 step by step tutorial? Disappointed to find 99% of the YouTube searches for headshot 2 are overviews and reviews. :(