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A big Thanks to Reallusion and his concepts

Posted By BadS 2 Years Ago
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First we start with the english version of my Post. At the bottom, you will find the german version. To check, because my English is not yet so fluent in business.

ok here we start:

Hello everyone,

My digital daughter and I would like to thank Reallusion very much for the many opportunities you give a freelancer like me. In fact, I rely a lot on your product in terms of my career as an artist.

To be on the safe side, the little princess has a slightly different temperament and therefore a tricky way of expressing gratitude. But that's why she's my daughter. And she means in the picture, all the people who don't believe in me. Or to you.

To get back to the actual topic:

I can really say, without advertising for money here, it's really my personal opinion and experience that I have access to many professional works from a wide variety of artists in seconds through the store and the marketplace.

You've heard it quite often, I'll just repeat it:

You know what your customers want.

My "daughter" and I think the picture that "we" show here is so successful because it shows the possibilities of combination and personal adaptation very clearly. I like to combine different outfits from the store. Of course there is a lot of free material from other providers that I also use.

Your quality is simply more convincing. Good work has to be paid for, every now and then ;-). I'm just incredibly euphoric to have finally found this tool. I've been dealt badly in my life. Especially lately.

That's why I can no longer practice my profession as a photographer. And then I'll find your software, exactly at the right moment. And can just keep going. And I've even improved when it comes to my employees.

It's no exaggeration to say that I now work with professional models. And professional tailors. And lighting technicians. Professional make-up artists. set designer. This is all the work that is also done for me as a director on a real film set.

And according to this circumstance, I can even become self-employed again as a comic author. Or make author films. How nice, all childhood dreams.

But before I get even more embarrassed ^^. Have fun with the picture. This is your work, not mine. I just "discovered" and hopefully cleverly combined ;-) .


And now, in german.

Und nun in deutsch:

"Hallo zusammen,

meine digitale Tochter und ich wollen uns sehr herzlich bei Reallusion bedanken, für die vielen Möglichkeiten die ihr einem Freelancer wie mir ermöglicht. Tatsächlich setze ich viel auf euer Produkt, was meine Karriere als Künstler angeht.

Zur Ihrer Vorsicht sei gesagt, die Kleine hat ein etwas, anderes Temperament, und dadurch eine verzwickte Art dankbarkeit auszudrücken. Aber deshalb ist sie ja meine Tochter. Und die meint auf dem Bild, all die Menschen, die nicht an mich glauben. Oder an euch.

Um das eigentliche Thema wieder aufzugreifen:

Ich kann wirklich sagen, ohne hier Werbung für Geld zu machen, es ist wirklich meine persönliche Meinung und Erfahrung, das ich durch den Store, und den Marktplatz, in Sekunden auf viele professionelle Arbeiten, verschiedenster Künstler, zugriff habe.

Ihr habt es schon ganz oft gehört, ich wiederhole es nur:

Ihr wisst, was eure Kunden wollen.

Das Bild was "wir" hier zeigen, finden meine "Tochter" und ich deshalb so gelungen, weil es die Möglichkeiten der Kombination, und auch der persönlichen Anpassung, sehr deutlich zeigt. Ich kombiniere gerne verschiedene Outfits aus dem Store. Natürlich gibt es viel freies Material bei anderen Anbietern, dass ich auch benutze.

Eure Qualität überzeugt einfach mehr. Für gute Arbeit muss auch bezahlt werden, hin und wieder ;-). Ich bin einfach unfassbar euphorisch, endlich dieses Tool gefunden zu haben. Mir hat man schon übel zugespielt im Leben. Gerade in letzter Zeit.

Deshalb kann ich meinen Beruf als Fotograf, nicht mehr ausüben. Und dann finde ich euere Software, genau im richtigen Moment. Und kann einfach weiter machen. Und ich habe mich sogar verbessert was meine Mitarbeiter betrifft.

Man kann ohne Übertreibung behaupten, dass ich jetzt mit professionellen Models zusammen arbeite. Und professionellen Schneidern. Und Lichttechnikern. Professionelle Visagisten. Bühnenbildner. Das sind alles Arbeiten die mir an einem realen Filmset als Regisseur ebenfalls abgenommen werden.  

Und diesem Umstand entsprechend, kann ich mich sogar jetzt als Comicautor mich wieder selbstständig machen. Oder Autorenfilme machen. Wie schön, alles Kindheitsträume.

Aber bevor ich jetzt noch mehr peinlich werde ^^.  Viel Spaß mit dem Bild. Das ist euer Werk, nicht meins. Ich habe nur "entdeckt" und hoffentlich clever kombiniert ;-) .

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Thank you so much for the kind words. I will this pass on to the whole team. 

It's great to hear our software is helping you achieve your dreams of being an artist. :)


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I am offended at the hand gesture showing the middle finger. I don't know why anybody would think this not offensive. It's crude and demeaning.
You have 100's of hand gestures to choose. from, and you chose the most offensive one.
I know there are probably more people not offended than offended. There is no reason to show a middle finger gesture.
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I asked her again about her motives especially for you. And got the same answer I always get.

Why does that bother you? Why do you feel provoked? Did you do something that you must feel addressed?

She's pointing the middle finger at people who tried to kill me...

They're doing fine if you ask me...

But I also wrote. You just overlooked that in the long text. Not bad!

And she's a COMIC character...
in German:

Ich habe sie extra nochmal für dich nach ihren Beweggründen befragt. Und als Antwort dieselbe bekommen, die ich auch immer bekomme.

Warum stört dich das? Warum fühlst du dich provoziert? Hast du etwas angestellt, dass du dich angesprochen fühlen musst?

Sie zeigt den Mittelfinger auf Leute, die mich töten wollten...

Die kommen gut weg, wenn du  ich fragst...

Hate ich aber auch geschrieben. Du hast das in dem langen text nur überlesen. Nicht schlimm!

Und sie ist eine COMIC Figur....
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@ Peter

That's good to hear. I've wanted to say that for a long time. I had a good feeling with you guys from the start. The program crashes every now and then are a bit annoying. But this is only mentioned for the sake of completeness.

I hope you can take the middle finger. For all others:

There is my princess but not herself. She has to refrain from doing things because others might feel offended.

Somebody tried to kill me, at least he wanted to hurt me hard, over a similar trifle. If you want to tell me that this is legal.... That's why the middle finger stays!!!

Of course nobody can know. Nevertheless, you can ask a friendlier question about an invented character. At least now I know she must look pretty real. With a reaction like that.

How were the reactions within RL, Peter? :-)

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Did you ever look it up to see what it means. Right out of the blue you are publicly accusing me of something evil. That is Defamation. When somebody disagrees with you, why do you accuse them of doing something evil. I don't have to defend myself to anybody. I have no problem with your artwork except for the middle finger.

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I always wanted to thank RL in a certain way and speak out how much i appreaciate RLs work too. I develop software myself and i must say RL is a giant. Just look at all these thousands of buttons
everywhere. Its like nothing is impossible with your software.I know i end up in the feedback tracker realtively often, but this comes only because i use software intensively.
Year, its like a childhood dream came true to me as well. I am not commercial, rather an amateur, i spent a huge amount of money (in my eyes) on RL software, but never regret it.
Ok, some things i am bit worried about, like what will happen if RL closes down one day and my hardrive dies. I guess thats something what we have to live with, but still i am planning
to buy further RL software, because its so damn good. You can animate anything or almost anything ;-) . The import functions have improved a lot in Iclone and CC4,
i recently have rigged a donald duck model with Accurig, then loaded into into iclone, then CC4, couldnt be easier. My current favorite tool is CC4, i experiment alot with Headshot,
love creating weird looking chars. Well in short, RL your work is more then appreciated. Finest software i know of in animation and creating character/cartoons.
Suppport is usually brilliant and responding fast. :-)
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michaelrbarton (6/29/2023)
Did you ever look it up to see what it means. Right out of the blue you are publicly accusing me of something evil. That is Defamation. When somebody disagrees with you, why do you accuse them of doing something evil. I don't have to defend myself to anybody. I have no problem with your artwork except for the middle finger.

As a European, especially as a German, such gestures are not up for discussion.

Our problems are weapons!

Whether it's gestures or weapons...

The person behind it, and their intention counts.

I didn't accuse you of anything. You're hanging onto something that's actually not a scandal in our country. You can mess with the middle finger all you want.


My daughter (who is still a fictional comic book character) already knows what she's doing and why. I really almost got shot in reality! Out of jealousy.... Unfounded jealousy.

Maybe now it's better for you to understand!

You're criticizing a comic character... COMIC

That is, this person is not real. Anyone who feels offended by a fictional girl.... Please think about it.

That's how wars start.

In Germany I am asked why the figures carry weapons....

Let me guess....

Now the name is a scandal, right?

You can really get excited about anything.

Can I learn the reasons why???

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Please try arguments. You really don't have to come to me with culture and social manners, or any rules of conduct. I'm tired of this kind of discussion after what almost happened to me.

When you want to cry because a little girl scares you. Then please cry somewhere else.

I'm a writer and an artist.

Where are we actually going if my characters are no longer allowed to do all that.

The best thing we can do is ban all art and make our governments even more powerful with their bombs.

Bombs are much safer than gestures...

sorry really Actually you like the princess. I can tell. She's really hot too.

Also, look closely at the gesture! She even shows you two middle fingers at once ;-) The move has style. You have to have the courage to watch him closely.
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I have a scene in one of my movies where a young woman use her middle finger to express her displeasure with a fellow crew mate. And I live in the U.S. (But I came from the Netherlands originally.)

In this country people use it all the time when they are angry driving their car, sometimes with verbal emphasis added. It's not polite, but that's not the point.

BTW, it's a pity that the OP's complement towards RL gets snowed under.


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