michaelrbarton (6/29/2023)
Did you ever look it up to see what it means. Right out of the blue you are publicly accusing me of something evil. That is Defamation. When somebody disagrees with you, why do you accuse them of doing something evil. I don't have to defend myself to anybody. I have no problem with your artwork except for the middle finger.
As a European, especially as a German, such gestures are not up for discussion.
Our problems are weapons!
Whether it's gestures or weapons...
The person behind it, and their intention counts.
I didn't accuse you of anything. You're hanging onto something that's actually not a scandal in our country. You can mess with the middle finger all you want.
My daughter (who is still a fictional comic book character) already knows what she's doing and why. I really almost got shot in reality! Out of jealousy.... Unfounded jealousy.
Maybe now it's better for you to understand!
You're criticizing a comic character... COMIC
That is, this person is not real. Anyone who feels offended by a fictional girl.... Please think about it.
That's how wars start.
In Germany I am asked why the figures carry weapons....
Let me guess....
Now the name is a scandal, right?
You can really get excited about anything.
Can I learn the reasons why???