I wish it would be that easy, but no. CC morphs involve bones deformation (at least many of them).
And applying and then converting them in Morphs Creator does not always work right.
One should be very cautious and only select mesh deformation morphs in CC for use in iClone.
It should not matter being on character morph or not. The CAP below is not on character, but work fine for the export.
The issue, is morphs created outside of Morphs Creator and imported through CC I think.
Those might or might not work, might or might not show in morphs list and might or might not be exportable.
RL appears to have created a confusing routine for morphs handling and separation (CC vs IC).
Here is an example..
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fyD-oYaVkZEdIkgBceCtLdrtsxNhMCRF/view?usp=sharingIt contains 3 items of cloth: CAP, HAIR and SHIRT
HAIR - morph created a long time ago in Blender and imported as FBX (I think).
CAP - Just created a morph with OBJ in Morphs Creator.
SHIRT - Morphs was created a long time ago and I do not remember how :)
Download, apply all to neutral base and compare the behavior with my table:
Morph seen in iClone YES YES NO
Morph works in iClone YES YES NO
Morph works exported YES NO NO
Morph works saved to Motion+ YES NO NO
After converting ALL to Accessory
Morph seen in CC YES YES YES
Morph seen in iClone YES YES YES
Morph works in iClone YES YES YES
Morph works exported NO NO NO
Morph works saved to Motion+ NO NO NO
After converting back to Cloth, behavior is the same as an Accessory.
Morph is a morph you say, why is it behaving differently for all 3 cloth items in the first place and then Accessory does not work in export at all?
Good question RL.. What do you think?
:Whistling:Bottom line is, that we should not be limited to Morphs Creator, OBJ and iAvatar.
We should be able to successfully create/import morphs from FBX have them work in iClone and be exportable.