Member "nildoe" asked for more information about vehicle animation in another thread...
As it was not really an "animate vehicles" thread, I decided to make a new one...
nildoe (11/18/2022)
Hey boss... whats your workflow for animating vehicles?
I'm trying to find an ideal workflow. do you animate them in iclone and then export? alembic? fbx?
Hm, there are several approaches... And I am not an expert at all!
The video above shows a vehicle animated in iClone with Physic Toolbox Controller. (Bullet Physics Engine)
See tutorials here:
I transferred parts from the ground from Unreal map to iClone (new LL feature) and modified to terrain to get my ground contact.
After that I simply transferred to Unreal with (also new feature) LL (scene and motion).Vehicle is automatically placed on correct spot on map.
Video shown above got an error due to "delete hidden mesh" in export, be sure to untick if you get similar weird results...
Or you animate in Unreal, either drive as you would in game mode and record or let vehicle follow spline.
Record your drivable car with Take Recorder, be sure to set "possessable" in Take Recorder "Record Type"...
After you have done this, disable physics in car blueprint!
And also disable "Auto Possess Player" in Pawn.
Add your recorded scene to sequencer...
Transfer your character from IC to UE and attach to your car root (from scene).
Or use this tutorial to let vehicle follow spline in sequencer:
I used follow spline several times (I'm not a good driver, even have no driving licence in real life)
with great result but can't show as I don't want to reveal yet :satisfied:
So, tutorial above definitely works!
Or you can do animation in Blender...
This was my first test with alembic export, though that went wrong:
Got a good result with export (FBX) to Unreal:
Here is the tutorial I used:
And here my first approach (July 2020), cars with rotating wheels following path in IC to UE
Besides that I also played around with vehicle spawner (Traffic AI)...
But that was quite tricky, and without the help from developer I never would have accomplished this!
I hope this helps...
Toystorylab on Vimeo : 75% of original size (was 671x19) - Click to enlarge
Crassitudes (my "Alter Ego") on Youtube: 75% of original size (was 671x19) - Click to enlarge