coming back once again to this topic, I think most people hopefully understood that in most cases, an indie game developer needs to pay the triple price for most content (clothing, characters, etc.) if they want to use it in their game.
Many major tools out there, including game engine (Unity in that case) provide lower pricing (sometime even free) for dev studios which earns less than X Thousands €/$ per year. When your studio earns more you need to upgrade your license to be compliant.
I could see that working for Reallusion content store. In the end it's kind of like a tax... if I can say that. So if you earn really tons of money with your game that was created using content store asset, it's fair that you pay a higher license cost. I'm not even sure I agree myself with that statement but that would at least avoid Indie devs spending $200 on a t-shirt and pants (yes...) while their game will sell 5 copies @ $10. Or maybe never even finish their game.
I saw multiple people suggesting this, and I thought a single post about this could help the discussion. If any discussion is possible of course.
Since the change, I personally stopped buying any content until this is clarified and Indie game devs have a fair chance here. At current prices, only big money makers studios can use Reallusion products and content from the store.
And you know what: I'd be even ok if that license mode would only apply to Reallusion own products. Or that at least asset creators have the choice to join this program or whatever you call it. I'm sure they are glad to earn more money with extended licenses, but they might also lose tons of money if people stop buying their stuff because of the 3x price.