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Is it possible to edit the Edit Facial Modify Mode morphs?

Posted By zxcvbnm22 3 Years Ago
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Is it possible to edit the Edit Facial Modify Mode morphs?

Posted 3 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
Posts: 29, Visits: 452
I know it is possible to create custom slider morphs which could be used for detailed facial expressions, but when animating in iClone, if I want to set a Face Key, I seem to have use use the Muscle, Expression or Modify tabs.

This is fair enough, but can I modify these morphs for a character? For example, in the Modify tab, if using Mouth Open doesn't quite look right for the character, is there any way I can adjust this?

I have tried exporting the character from CC3 via FBX to Blender, where I can see all the Modify morphs. Updating the relevant morph and reimporting the character to CC3 does not seem to retain the updated Modify morph. Is there any way to achieve what I want to achieve here?

75% of original size (was 675x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/56708537-82bb-44ac-b8a7-817d.png

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