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Adding animations to an existing character

Posted By 3dtester 2 Years Ago
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I was hoping that iClone 8 would include the (at least for me) long-awaited feature of exporting motion-only to Omniverse.

Does it sound stupid if i want to export a character to Omniverse only one time, and then add animations to it as i move forward?
Instead, you can still only export the full character with the animation(s) at a time.

Another thing: why is there no tutorial explaining how to replace the motion of the character once it is in Omniverse?
I constantly seek a way to not overwrite my modified character at the attempt to add animations to it.

2 Years Ago by 3dtester
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Yeah I guess that would be handy. I think RL are still working on the connector because they haven't done hair and cloth physics yet. 
Which I am still waiting for. 
Posted 2 Years Ago
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USD is different form FBX in that it is really intended for scene descriptions (hence the name), so I don't know if animation-only exports are even possible.

Posted 2 Years Ago
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USD supports literally any kind of asset.

Here i show you the feature of Character Creator, which is already there.
You can export a character including several motion files.

So this is how the files go into Omniverse:

Where to set the actual motion that is used:

But in iClone, you can only export the character with one single animation.

The conclusion for me is that it is possible to send motion-only data to Omniverse.
And it makes sense.
The question is why iClone doesn't have that option.

As a side note, i recall that 3DXchange has an "motion only" feature for FBX export.
This is not available in Clone 8 as well.

Finally it seems that RL devs don't think this is a needed feature at all...Sad

PS: i created a Feedback Tracker issue a while ago:

Posted 2 Years Ago
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3dtester (6/23/2022)
USD supports literally any kind of asset.

Here i show you the feature of Character Creator, which is already there.
You can export a character including several motion files.

So this is how the files go into Omniverse:

Where to set the actual motion that is used:

But in iClone, you can only export the character with one single animation.

The conclusion for me is that it is possible to send motion-only data to Omniverse.
And it makes sense.
The question is why iClone doesn't have that option.

As a side note, i recall that 3DXchange has an "motion only" feature for FBX export.
This is not available in Clone 8 as well.

Finally it seems that RL devs don't think this is a needed feature at all...Sad

PS: i created a Feedback Tracker issue a while ago:

Thanks for this tip 3dtester! I tested it with the Kevin CC4 model in CC4 and I was able to export out load of animations for the model out to Omniverse just fine.
I also added my  vote for the motion only FBX option in the Feedback Tracker.

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