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CC4 Camila: iClone Native vs IRay vs Omniverse vs UE Test

Posted By 3dtester 2 Years Ago
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CC4 Camila: iClone Native vs IRay vs Omniverse vs UE Test

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Hi, i wanted to know if any of these are able to compete the native renderer out-of-the-box.
Of course they are not.
Notice: i didn't change anything from the default settings after import.
The cameras and lights are always the same as imported, without any engine specific lighting.

CC4 Native:

CC4 IRay:



2 Years Ago by 3dtester
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Lets discuss this please.

At first, what is that with the eye brows?
I mean, with Iray they look horrible and i see no way to fix it.
Also in Unreal Engine and Omniverse they are far from optimal.
What's happening there?

PS: one could ask the question if they don't test this before they claim to support it

2 Years Ago by 3dtester
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Which renderer did you use in Omniverse? There are three options.

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Of course i used the path-tracing render option. CC characters are only exported for that (i guessed that by trying, but found the hint in the online resources recently, too).

2 Years Ago by 3dtester
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Before people get TOO far off track I'd just like to point out that regardless of how good you can make things with iRay, or OV or Blender or UE or any outside render (and you can - I've seen it) the native render is pretty nice.  PLENTY nice for most things.  There are a lot of things "wrong" with it, but what's right is you can make VERY nice images without any trouble at all.

I think that with the exception of stills too many people get hung up on how their stuff looks, and forget things like story telling and acting.  Honestly I've seen a lot of crappy animation (for example, South Park) that is well worth seeing.  OTOH, I've yet to see any "pretty" animation that had crappy storytelling and/or acting that was worth even a minute of my time.

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What's happening there?

What is happening is that you are expecting identical results from different render engines and completely
ignoring the variables of how each engine interpret materials.
An obvious limit of “Universal Character Systems”
that promise to be all things to all pipelines
without disclaimer about how each render system
will have a programmed bias towards NATIVE CONTENT
designed with material shaders optimized for their NATIVE render engines.

And before anyone starts banging on about “PBR is PBR every where” , we all know ,by now, that that is not the case in reality.
here is a simple example

One render is NIVIDIA Iray in Daz studio
“out of the box “ with a simple HDR lighting the scene
The other is me just merely switching over to the “3Delight engine( still in Daz studio” ) and changing her hair because the non braided one only comes with IRAY materials
as most of the content Daz sellers have abandoned the “3Delight engine.

Again “out of the box” but with a basic 3 point light set
as I have no idea if  “3Delight ‘ even supports HDRI.
they look nothing alike and why would I expect them to.

People need to need to be prepared to endure the  Vicissitudes of learning the lighting& shader systems of these external rendering pipelines
if they want satisfactory way around it.Rolleyes

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2 Years Ago by AutoDidact
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Now,just for fun I sent “Ms kardashian”
over to Blender using the Mighty “Diffeomorhic add-on ,specifically designed  import and to convert
Daz materials for rendering in Blender.
except instead of following my own  tedious instructions in my own video and fixing the materials in the node editor for EEVEE.
I just slapped on the same HDRI from Daz iray, framed up a camera and hit the render button and you see the result.
Neither Daz nor the maker of the diffeo plugin or Blender is responsible for my “external pipeline” results..I am

Ghost Origins
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There should probably more of a caveat attached to exporting CC characters, but Sales wouldn't like that.

Unfortunately, I couldn't help the poor user who wanted to export to 3DSMax and was disappointed, but I tried to explain that is all about shaders.

Victor has worked a long time to get things working for Blender, but that shows you how much is involved to "align" shaders.

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Quick note on the hair / brows for iRay -- for some reason, in CC4, the Max GI Bounces for the Photoreal Render mode are set by default to 8. Increase that to max (32), and the wonkiness with the eyebrows and the hair edges (esp. fine hair) goes away. As for the glossiness and weird reflections of the light on her face, you have to mess with the materials / light presets and position to fix them, or at least hide them.

Honestly, in CC3, I used to extensively use iRay (mostly because of the cool material options that gave me reflections), but in CC4, I find myself sticking with the native render more and more.

Anyway, just increasing the GI Bounces:

(turning on the "Eliminate Shadow Artifacts" will reduce the sharpness of the shadows' edge on her nose and chin)
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I just hope that Reallusion team would fix this issue especially for the UE5 Render

iClone is good for the the Characters and Animation but the environment is very much inferior compared to Unreal. If I can only transfer the environment from Unreal to iClone then I would never use UE5 to render

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