Wanted to update this thread following a long trial and error session this morning.
Condensed version of my activities with relevant results:---
1) In IC7.9 I loaded spitfire via Smart Gallery.
same problem with "performs" but was able to find where smart Gallery had put motions in another location.
2) Used copy and paste to re-locate motions.
3) Spitfire now fully working in IC7.9
4) Went back to IC8.01 and loaded Spitfire.
This time performs produced different error message. Along the lines of "Old version content, did I want to update"
Clicked yes and perform motion worked.
Did this for all the other performs and now have a fully working Spitfire in IC8.01.
Not suggesting this is the correct or even good way of doing things but it worked for me where smart gallery hadn`t.
I then turned my attention to the flowing wings pack I mentioned when I started this thread.
1) Again I used smart Gallery in IC7.9 to instal pack there. Everything worked as expected
2) Then returned to IC8.01 but encountered erratic and inconsistent results if I tried to animate.
Main faults were when wings were attached to an animated avatar they became "locked" from flapping and stayed in same position when avatar moved away.
3) Tried all sorts of settings. Switched on things off and off things on but to no avail.
Certainly not the same as my experience in IC7.9. Perhaps a bug in IC8?
Anyone been able to get them to work in IC8.01?