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I'd need some hints about the hardware to purchase

Posted By Orientlove 3 Years Ago
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I'd need some hints about the hardware to purchase

Posted 3 Years Ago
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Last Active: Last Year
Posts: 56, Visits: 482
Hi everyone! 
Some time ago I was used to utilize iClone a lot, both for my own pleasure and to sell some cloth materials in the Marketplace as well. I always upgraded to the newest versions of iClone, CC and 3DXchange (nowadays I have the 7th version) but at some point my hardware wasn't able to bare the software. I then bought a laptop for work, that works also with the Reallusion programs even if not very well. 
But that's the good news: I'm finally ready to purchase a new pc!
I want it to be a good machine able to run very well the Reallusion 3D programs and any other 3D program I'm going to install in a next future. 
Please, could you give me some advice about what to purchase? 

In the shop where I am a customer they suggested me: 
- CPU: Intel Core i7 of 10th generation, or another intel Core i9 11th generation. 
- RAM: 32 GB (or 64 GB)
- Graphic card: Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti, or RTX 3080. 

I'd really appreciate if you could tell me something about. My budget is about 3000-4000 euros. 

Thanks in advance

Great store! :Wow::

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