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What's New in Character Creator 3.44

Posted By Miranda (RL) 3 Years Ago
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Miranda (RL)
Miranda (RL)
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
Posts: 1.8K, Visits: 11.2K
Hi everyone,

Character Creator is updated to version 3.44 with the following updates: 
  • Added: Compatibility with CC Omniverse Connector v3.44. >> Know More
  • Enhanced: Optimized Restore Project order of operation: When the saved project is designated for restore, the process will run from start to finish without interruption from pop-up messages.
  • Enhanced: Export FBX menu sections are now collpasible, which makes it easier to find the checkbox settings lying at the bottom of the menu, e.g. Delete Hidden Faces option.

  • Enhanced: Export FBX > Blender Preset will now export JSON files.
  • Fixed: Saved projects not appearing in the File > Recent Projects list.
  • Fixed: Application crash as a result of renaming materials for objects that share the same mesh name and that have undergone Consolidate Material. (FT #7863, reported by c68)
  • Fixed: Characters that have undergone Modify > Remove SkinGen Data have their texture sizes influenced by Export Settings > Max Texture Size settings. (FT# 7817, reported by 4u2ges)

Reallusion Team
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Thank you for the continued work on this version. SmoooothCool


System: Win 10 Pro (21H2), Asus X99-E WS, CPU i7-5930K -3,5 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 2666-16 RAM, NVidia GTX 1080 Ti GPU - 11 GB VRAM(Driver Studio-536.99), Samsung 850 Pro 512 GB SSD, 6 TB HD storage.

Miranda (RL)
Miranda (RL)
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Group: Administrators
Last Active: 2 Years Ago
Posts: 1.8K, Visits: 11.2K
Hi everyone,

Version 3.44 was updated from v3.44.4702.1 to v3.44.4709.1 with the following changes: 
  • Fixed: CC crashes when applying certain characters from the smart Gallery, i.e. Scan Reality_Natasha.ccAvatar. (FT #8213, FT #8210)
  • Fixed: Moving the morph slider for characters process with Create Head & Body Morph Sliders, causes the eyeballs and teeth to displace. In order to solve this issue, you'll need to reapply Create Head & Body Morph Sliders. (FT #8307)
  • Fixed: Exporting Game Base Characters in USD format results in a loss of animation, reset of character position, with offset to the hair and eyeballs. (Reference to this image, posted on this post)

Reallusion Team

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