Deborah Hearne
Deborah Hearne
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What new features would you like to see in Cartoon Animator 5? Updates to my Wish list: New FeaturesDidn't Make the CutNo Info
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Hair physics (or physics in general), having a character grab things without it being such a chore, characters that can turn, Unity support, particles, easier character editing, more than one scene open at a time, 360 entire bodies, a light source module, shadows, 60 frame renders, built-in rigging system, and...basically magic at this point, really. :D
Kenneth Silver
Kenneth Silver
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I would like to see a "Real" timeline. The current one is a joke. That being said I come from a 3D background and vfx compositing (node based) so when ever I think I will do a faster job in Cartoon animator It always ends up slower simply because of the timeline and confusing way of working. I would love to work in cartoon animator all day long (for 2d gigs) but I can't so there is a lot of round tripping which is a massive waste of time.
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Whats the problem with the Timeline? I have no experience in 3D or working with the way they might do timelines different. So Im curious.
Garry Pye
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Kenneth Silver (10/18/2021) I would like to see a "Real" timeline. The current one is a joke. That being said I come from a 3D background and vfx compositing (node based) so when ever I think I will do a faster job in Cartoon animator It always ends up slower simply because of the timeline and confusing way of working. I would love to work in cartoon animator all day long (for 2d gigs) but I can't so there is a lot of round tripping which is a massive waste of time.I'm not sure what you mean by 'real' timeline, I have no trouble with CA's timeline at all. I hope no one at Reallusion ever looks at 'node based' anything and thinks that's a good idea. Leave all that stuff for post processing apps.
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I see also not problem with the timeline an I use 3D Programs too. My big wish would be physik, dynamic bones and particle effects
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Ability of characters to sing
Posted 4 Years Ago
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I totally agree with needing a 'real' timeline. Maybe their wording was off, but what I mean by a real timeline is:
1. Make it dockable (this applies to all panels actually) 2. Have a curve editor built into it so we can precisely control the easing and timing of animations, and we can finally stop using the clunky and time consuming 'transition curve' option. 3. Give us the option to NOT have the current time indicator move every single time we select a key frame. I don't know any other app that does that, and it is sooo annoying. 4. Allow us to ease facial animations. Obviously you can't ease sprites, but at the minute you can't even ease 360 head movements, it's all linear.
Doing something similar to the After Effects Timeline, or even the Blender Dope Sheet or Graph Editor panels would be much, much better. None of those are Node based (well not those elements anuway), but they're all much easier to navigate and require much else clicks in order to do things.
They even have these things already in iclone with the curve editor plugin, which is also going to be built into iclone 8 by default. So it makes complete sense do update the timeline in CA to be the same, as you really want to have a congruent experience across your apps.
This is the BIGGEST update that's required IMHO.
But I do have more suggestions too:
- Fix exporting alpha's because at the minute they have a faint dark outline, so I'm currently having to do a small alpha choker on them in AE to avoid it looking so obvious.
- When exporting to AE via the plugin, the layer has the Anchor Point key framed & animated. Which is great! I just think this should be applied deeper, by allowing us to export individual elements the same way (torso separate from limbs etc), that would allow us to do much more inside of AE with the characters.
- allow us to have more than one panel open at once, and (as above) allow them to be dockable. You're always going to be flicking between different panels when refining, so it's very annoying that we can't have more than one open at a time. These should be dockable and perhaps take a leaf out of After Effects or Blenders book, where you can have them as tabs or fully open. However the user chooses.
RangaTang Movie
RangaTang Movie
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Audio max is 48000hz currently. Change max to 96000hz. PLZZZZZZZZZ
Deborah Hearne
Deborah Hearne
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hearne.debbie (10/10/2021)
What new features would you like to see in Cartoon Animator 5? I am adding support for Lottie files. That would make using CTA a lot easier.