Are you designing cloth items yourself? If yes, then...
Design cloth items from body mesh and try to keep vertex/edge/face relation between cloth items and body intact for the most parts. This would give you practically 1:1 skin weight transfer.
You can keep cloth as close to the body as possible without any pokes through in this case.
Of course, for certain areas, such as toes, butt.. etc, you'd have to rebuild cloth mesh joins. Also make straps, fasteners...etc. But quality skin weighting always pays off in the end.
If you're just trying to fit some existing item, then stop pulling the mesh from the body and conforming it for a moment and again spend time fixing weight paint first. But not in CC.
Blender comes to mind first obviously. Transfer avatar with calibration clip and workout weights. Calibration clip has some extreme poses, so do not try to cover it all. Do what you can.
In some areas it is extremely hard to sync cloth weight with body weights. Use local mesh edit. Gently pull selected mesh out, when try to weight again. It's back and forth until you get it right.
Sheer items are very fragile and most of the time do not conform well on avatars other than those they were designed and skin weighted on. Conforming can mess up very fine details specially if avatar substantially different in shape.
So again, patience with local mesh edit and weights is the only way to fix it and make it look good.