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More polycount on export & GoZ

Posted By vadim+2 3 Years Ago
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Hello everyone!
I think it would be awesome to be able to increase the default polycount for the character.
For example, when I import characters in UE4, the close-up body seems a bit blocky due to the lack of polygons, although they look great in CC3 due to the subdivision function, but the exported characters do not inherit it. This can be fixed in UE4 by enabling the tessellation feature in the material, but the solution is not perfect (see why -

Also, it will add a lot more freedom to the GoZ feature if we'll be able to work with a more detailed model in ZBrush - even the highly deformed characters will look great with this feature. In my opinion, it will be specifically useful for film & tv productions where you don't really care about optimization but you need to achieve the best look possible.

Please don't hesitate to let me know guys what do you think about this.

Edit: please upvote this feature on the Feedback tracker -

Vadim Karpenko, Unreal Engine 4 developer.
3 Years Ago by vadim+2
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this be a great addition if we can have more polys to sculpt in zbrush . You can definitely notice the edges around the ears . Hope that reallusion can come up witha solution to this. 
Posted 3 Years Ago
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I would suggest that this is optional and not a default within CC/iClone. I work solely in iClone so I don't really want the characters to be heavier that they already are.

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animagic (2/25/2021)
I would suggest that this is optional and not a default within CC/iClone. I work solely in iClone so I don't really want the characters to be heavier that they already are.

Posted 3 Years Ago
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Yes - the fact that Reallusion does not provide for exporting subdivision is a huge issue. I also feel that Reallusion is very disingenuous in saying that you can achieve smoothing in Unreal Engine by using Tessellation - which clearly does NOT work (artifacts). This combined with the massive FBX eye malfunction issue makes me feel that Reallusion's software is almost unusable. I hope that the free MetaHumans at Unreal Engine will light a fire under Reallusion and make them get their act together. 

vadim+2 (2/25/2021)
Hello everyone!
I think it would be awesome to be able to increase the default polycount for the character.
For example, when I import characters in UE4, the close-up body seems a bit blocky due to the lack of polygons, although they look great in CC3 due to the subdivision function, but the exported characters do not inherit it. This can be fixed in UE4 by enabling the tessellation feature in the material, but the solution is not perfect (see why -

Also, it will add a lot more freedom to the GoZ feature if we'll be able to work with a more detailed model in ZBrush - even the highly deformed characters will look great with this feature. In my opinion, it will be specifically useful for film & tv productions where you don't really care about optimization but you need to achieve the best look possible.

Please don't hesitate to let me know guys what do you think about this.

Edit: please upvote this feature on the Feedback tracker -

Posted 3 Years Ago
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You can already do this! send to zbrush, subdivide with smooth, send back to iclone and skin the mesh as a new body, copy the weight painting from the original to your subdivided body, copy the textures over to each part, then when exporting hide the original character mesh then upon export, select "delete hidden". You wont be able to import the exported version when the original body deleted. 

Also @JoeGideon you could try my method for tessellation with displacement and get realistic results at the same time. Artifacts like cracks can be adjusted with the multiplier between each of the materials to tighten things up and sometimes toggling double sided texture rendering can help  

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Cool workflow , have to try that , thank you for sharing 👍
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Ascensi - Wow, thank you so much! These sound like great tips and I look forward to trying them out! 
Question on tessellation: Have you tested your tessellation method with an animating character, testing the range of motion? The artifacts I was reporting happen when the character is in motion, not when in a static pose.
3 Years Ago by JoeGideon
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Maybe you could show a video of the problem you're having. This is an animation of a CC3+ character in iClone, no subdivisions! -just tessellation. My method should work fine making the normal maps used as displacement with 1.0 softness applied to each body part and then the disp map mirrored but if you still get a seam between UVs if adjusting the displacement multiplier doesn't totally work then you will additionally have to make sure the connecting edge of the UV maps like neck on the head displacement texture  has the same pixel tone as the neck area/edge of the Body displacement map so it's a smooth displacement transition. Same goes for the edge of the displacement map where the arms meet the body and the legs connecting to the body etc.  Photoshop clone tool would probably be ideal.
Here is my example of full displacement, no cracks, animated (morph compatible)  
I sculpted and painted the CC3+ character in Zbrush and then imported the maps later.. The result would be the same with ether method. 
as far as UE4, there are different tessellation shaders in general.. the kind you are looking for should have a smoothing option toggle and maybe add a small pure black texture to each body material's displacement slot to make the character/displacement completely smooth if you want to try something simple. 

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3 Years Ago by Ascensi

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