I have been doing a YouTube channel where I have been posting original parody songs related to Covid 19 and US Politics since early in the Pandemic. As of the New Year, I wanted to introduce a fresh new look to my songs, so I purchased and started using CrazyTalk 8 to make celebrities sing my songs using various encarnations of my voice. I have had a huge amount of fun doing it, but I suspect I have only scratched the surface of what this software can do. But it certainly is among the best $99 that I have ever spent.
You can find my animated songs in my YouTube channel here:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrCdsdetE0EdgPhXFyManfcqYdwYNy0i2I welcome all constructive criticism about how I can improve my work and get more out of this wonderful software. I would also love to hear from anyone doing anything similar so we can swap tips and tricks.