Posted 5 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Months Ago
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Hello , i'm trying to make a néon animation ,(prop with glow map just change the stengh of glow ) (also try with texture ajust) then collect clip . i try to add to perform animation in my object, glow is not animated. any sugestion? also don't understand when i try to upload on the uploader for maketplace an object with sss shader i have a message alert i understand that if you export out of iclone i will be a problem, but safe for iclone user ? Thanks for your help
Posted 5 Years Ago
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Last Year
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I did a couple of videos on Youtube that had flashing neon sign and letters. And also I made a green glowing rock video. The neon video explains more. The glowing rock is same concept as flashing neon sign. On timeline, go to 50 hit enter and put glow down to let's say 55. Then go to 100 and hit enter, and put glow at 100. Keep doing that for as long as you want. 60 frames is one second. If you do it for 120 frames, just collect clip and save in motion plus. Then all you do is keep adding the motion plus animation to the time line. You can stretch animation for longer flashing or shorten animation for faster flashing. I hope video links help you.