Thanks, Gerry. I have been working on this for a while now. Actually, what I was trying to describe was the whole GUI theme. For some reason it went from gray (which I called white because I didn't remember how light it was,) to really black. Now after screwing around with resolutions and such, I suddenly find that it is back to gray. Not sure why, but I like it.
Why did this happen? I don't know, but this morning I decided to go back to 1080p on my Windows 10, even though the fonts are a bit small and more difficult to read. After some research, I found that Microsoft stuck it to us again by forcing us to use 1080p monitors now. I have a 32" 720p monitor, and although *Win 7* could produce a fine-looking screen with it along with the 1080p, in Win 10 enlarges it too much at 720p, and iClone is too big in the GUI. Windows 10 recommends using 1080p in the Display section. But when I use the 1080p setting, everything is grainy and crappy looking. Until I buy a 32" 1080p replacement, I was trying to optimize things again this morning, and my light gray GUI is back. I really don't need any more help now with this, I'm just following up. If however, you have any insights into the "gray" vs. "black" GUI, I am still curious as to what the heck is going on. Thanks again!
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