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Trying to understand the Timeline.

Posted By Peter_737068 5 Years Ago
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Trying to understand the Timeline.

Posted 5 Years Ago
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I'm trying to figure out how the timeline works exactly. I've had a look through the manual and watched a few tutorials but there's a few fundamentals that seem to be missing, however maybe I'm just missing something.

I've got a long clip that I captured through using my Mo-cap system.  There's a few takes within the clip, some of which I wanted to remove. So like an editing package I cut the segment into parts and deleted the unwanted parts.  The problem is I noticed that I'd accidentally cut out a part I wanted. However, now it seems there's no way of getting it back. In most video editing package (although Maya has this feature as well) I can just extend the clip again to reveal those deleted parts. I don't seem to be able to do this here. 

Because of this I thought I'd just trim the clips by adjusting the edge of the clip shortening it to where I wanted. Although it appears that you can do this on the end of the clip, I can't work out how to do this from the front of the clip.  

Also is there a way to region select the clips? I have A lot of cut up clips along with their expression and Viseme tracks but I have to select each one in turn rather than being able to just region select them all in one go. Is there a way to do. this?

Thanks in advance.


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