Thanks for the reply
animagic . Yes of course I understand the Unreal/Epic Games and RL business models are different. Most users don´t look at that, they just want to get animating quickly with great results. So they go to Unreal because the software is free and so is the Unreal Face App. You still need an iPhone X though. As the market changes business models have to adapt.
So there is no basic Webcam facial mocap feature included in iClone for free. At the moment you require an investment of a Mocap Live plugin and a Live Face Profile, that´s $500* just to do facial mocap and then you need a $800* iPhone X. *more or less depending on offers/deals.
iClone could be great with a simple basic 2D webcam addition, similar to the 2D Mocap for Cartoon Animator ( a RL product) or Adobe Character Animator. No iPhone depth camera is needed for either.
Adobe Character Animator works with a webcam very accurately by the way.
With a free webcam facial mocap solution we can all get on with enjoying the benefits of iClone and be animating and creating great sequences and animating rather than than pushing Visme keyframes around to get mediocre results. It makes the output from users look bad.
This simple addition would make the
output of work from the community stronger and more users would use want to dive into CC3 and iClone. Both excellent character software. Giant leaps forward with every release. so h/t to the Dev Team for that.
Europafilms - Creative Studio