Posted 5 Years Ago
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Dear Cartoon Animator Users
Reallusion is proud of the latest Motion LIVE 2D 1.1 for Cartoon Animator (CTA) and the ability to motion capture the entire human body. Our ambition is to revolutionize the 2D animation industry through this integrated face, hand and body mocap solution.
However, CTA Mac users may be wondering “Where is my mocap?”, “Why can’t I have the hand and body motion capture features? ”.
The reason Mac is excluded from Motion LIVE 2D 1.1 is because the motion capture device manufacturers like Xsens, Perception Neuron, Rokoko, Optitrack, Leap Motion and others DO NOT provide Mac compatible devices. Unfortunately, as a software developer we can not break through the limitations set by hardware at this time. But rest assured that Reallusion will provide options once these hardware limitations are overcome.
However, Mac users can enjoy the new "Bone Hand" feature which contains over 200 natural hand gestures to select to create smooth hand moves instantly. Furthermore, it also allows you to create 2D by keyframeing each and every single bone of a hand. Finally, "Bone Hand" is the ground where our hand mocap stands. Once the mocap devices are Mac ready, you can start right away.
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Already got my Leap Motion and its Mac compatible , so what's the problem? Carl Brandwood in the UK
Posted 5 Years Ago
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I spent the same amount of money, so should I be able to change to windows?
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Hey guys, This is a question I asked on another thread.
I too have a leap motion on the mac and have done since the kickstarter all those years ago. The SDK is a little older but after speaking with the UltraLeap team about this I have confidence that it may be possible to add support for mac users at least with the majority of functionality. Looking at the test app you can see how well the Leap functions on the mac. I understand that the target audience is PC but I'm sure there are quite a few mac users out there who'd benefit and have paid for this software and have seen the hand options sitting there since V4 was launched. I know I sound like a cracked record but years of working in support has made me more annoyed that this has actually happened and no thought or plans have been put in place for those disappointed customers.
I'm sorry but the above line about the leap hardware not being supported on mac is a little misleading. V2 of the SDK is still available on mac and is still functional if time and care had been taken to investigate further. I can't comment on other devices only the Leap. I may just send that line to ultraleap for comment. :) I totally understand it may not be quite as straight forward and may not be cost effective at a financial level. I'd like to know if there have been any technical investigations on mac or an instant dismissal?
Reallusion should have said from day 1 that the product license will work on a Mac and PC so you can take advantage of these new features if you have a PC at hand. Not an ideal solution at all but at least something. Plan B would be to re-investigate leap mac support and talk to the really nice Ultra Leap team who I'm sure will benefit from such support from Reallusion mac products. Makes sense in my head but then I've only worked in this industry for may years.. What do I know :D
Fingers crossed we get an announcement from Reallusion soon about this. :) As I said on another comment it's such a shame as the Devs have put so much effort and time into this feature and it's really impressive and a game changer I think. The leap is an affordable product (at least was) and is a solution for hand gestures. Plus in future it could be used for more puppetting. So to end I want to say thanks to the Developers for creating and working on 4.2 :)
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 5 Years Ago
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carl_20150204134017765 (5/21/2020) Already got my Leap Motion and its Mac compatible , so what's the problem? Carl Brandwood in the UKHi Carl Please see the FAQ page below. This explains the reason.
Peter Forum Administrator
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 5 Years Ago
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chamberzen (5/21/2020) I spent the same amount of money, so should I be able to change to windows?Please contact Customer Support using the link below and explain you would like to change to Windows. They may be able to help you if you wish to use mocap with CTA4..
Peter Forum Administrator
Posted 5 Years Ago
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leap motion have also mac iOS version i don't understand why your software not supported
Posted 5 Years Ago
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I believe after one year purchase this software can't not get supported with new options ? that means the future of this software for mac users is not good.... i'm considering get may money back... if you don't have any possibility to work the companies can support they hardware with mac
Posted 5 Years Ago
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A little perspective, I hope Leap won't object to me sharing this. This is a real, official response. "Thank you for taking the time to get in touch. Currently if you are using a Mac then you will need to download and install our V2 Leap Motion software which can be accessed from our website below: You can still develop with this SDK and I would recommend starting with our online documentation to familiarise yourself with the concepts and APIs: Although I am limited on the information that I can give you, I would like to reassure you that we have not forgotten Mac users and I would recommend staying tuned to our social channels and news feeds later this year for any announcements that we make concerning this issue." This all ends on a very interesting note so again ... I'm not convinced that it's not possible to implement at least a good amount of features on mac. Wish I was a better coder as I'd love to see what is possible with the SDK on mac. These guys just need to have a serious conversation. It makes good business sense in my head. Again happy to be proven wrong on this one. :)
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Could I suggest Reallusion look at its licence agreement, instead of buying a Mac or Windows version of CT4 a single licence could allow you to use either version. This would help as some people, like me, have access to an older windows laptop as well as my iMac and could therefore install on both machines. I would only be permitted to use one copy at a time, similar to the current arrangements, only on different OS's. I could then use the Windows version to do all the Motion Capture and still use the MacOS to create my animations. This would benefit both sides as Reallusion would get the extra revenue from the purchase of the plugins and Mac uses could use the Mocap plugins without purchasing another CTA4 licence, making everyone happy.