I'm having this problem with CC3 characters, when I import them in unity and then skin some clothes to them I get errors because some of the bones in the cloth arent present in the skinned mesh array of the CC3 character, which means those bones are weightless. Here you can see a couple of them: CC_Base_L_Calf, CC_Base_R_Calf, CC_Base_L_ToeBase, CC_Base_R_ToeBase
There are more than that but those just show up when I skin shoes. I think there are around 17 bones missing.
Links to the problem in unity:
https://answers.unity.com/questions/668332/weightless-bones-dont-get-added-to-skinnedmeshrend.htmlAny help will be appreciated how to fix those bones and get them included in the CC3 character bone array.