Hi Guys, well didnt get much of a response to my last post concerning my problems i need help with. Seems like everyone is looking onto iClone 7 and forgetting the users of iclone 6....bit dissapointing.
Im trying to create an avatar of my little dog Chester. I bought a hunting dog pack off the marketplace to get the animations i needed but would like to get the skin to look more like my faithful friend. Unfortunately the skin that came with the hunting dog pack is just a flat photograph so both sides of the dog are the same when i tried to edit it. And my dog is unusual in everyway and has patterns to one side but only little dots on the other. So to get to my question. How can I unwrap the skin so i can edit it in photoshop and then put it back on Chester. Does it mean learning another software such as 3DS max or similar or is their an easier solution. ANy help would be great. I do have a small collection of video tutorials on the go now so if their is anywhere i can get video tutorials so i can keep coming back to it that would be amazing.
Please help me in my dier need LOL
All the best Woody