blindman (4/1/2020)
Thanks for the reply and I appriciate the information.
And you kinda proved my point about Reallusion's thinking, Users have the right to decide, and that Reallusion rolls out a product that establishes a remote conntection, and didnt consider users may want to control this is staggering. This is the same thinking that gave User's HUB a program that for no good reason persists in system memory. and dispite numerous assurances from Reallusion this hasnt changed since roll out. Daz rolled out Smart content with a fully functioning offline mode. As S.G is clearly inspired by "Smart content" then theres no good reason why S.G was rolled out without a user controlled offline mode. Sadly until there is an "offline" button for S.G then No Free or not I wont use it.
Thank you for letting us know your concern.
We know that the first release of Smart Gallery may not 100% perfect.
And we will keep enhancing it, especially the offline mode design you mentioned.
For the custom content management, you can reference this part of the tutorial (start on 8:48)
But there is a limitation for the custom content; the content file needs under the default path.
And sure, we are now constructing to support the free path to make it smarter in the future version.
:laugh: :laugh: