Recently I received a copy of "Professional Storyboarding: Rules of Thumb". Among my daily schedule I'm typing up the screenplay for a project that was put aside when I was diagnosed with throat cancer.
I have dabbled with storyboarding off and on over the years, and although I can sketch I'm no Da Vinci. A few years ago I toyed with the idea of creating a visual novel ( another of those started ideas that have been superseded by another, but I digress). Anyway the book has renewed my enthusiasm to finish a project, at least, before leaving this mortal coil. Below is the beginning of that visual novel using a mixture of real-life scenes and iClone characters to see what I could produce. The last three frames are there to show the development from a photo of a real building with one of the main characters composited over it. The 'comic' effect was done with a filter in Photoshop. There is probably easier ways to do this, but one has to experiment...
Anyway I'd be interested in my fellow iCloners thoughts and experiences with storyboarding.
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Cancer Survivor - Retired Teacher - Geriatric Icloner still learning
Hardware: ZX80; Operating System- ZX80 Basic; CPU - ZX80 @ 3.25 MHz; Memory - 1KB; Hard Drive - N/A; Storage - Cassette; Monitor: Any old CRT TV