I have a personal holiday greeting posted on my storefront & a freebie as a little Christmas gift to everyone. Due to limitations on posting in this forum, I am unable to add things hosted on my own server here.
When you click on the freebie Holiday Music Box content (in the
Holiday Goodies section of my store) - it is IMPERATIVE that you read the full product description & follow the details for the specific version of iClone that you use. Although the pack says it is for iC7, there are direct downloads available for iC5&6 users in the product description.
I truly hope you all take the time & click on the link to my personal holiday message.
If you have questions or difficulties, please email me directly at
grannyj@grannyjs3dattic.comMay you have a very merry Christmas & a happy & healthy New Year!
Get your holiday goodies HERE

iClone Certified Content Developer and Author of the Pinky Frink® Adventure Series & the Pinky Frink® Learning Books
site: Granny J's 3D Attic SKYPE = grannyjsplace email: grannyj@grannyjs3dattic.com
MY RIG: GPU: Dual GeForce GTX 970M | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)i7-5930K @3.50GHz| 32.00 GB RAM | OS: Win 7 Pro SP1 | DX11